Frenkie Of Jong will be, as every year, one of the protagonists of the market of signings estival of the FC Barcelona. From the 2022, the Barcelona have had the open doors for a traspaso that 'help' to sanear the accounts, but the posture of the player -that has showed his intention to follow dressing of Barcelona-, has finished imposing. During this summer, the history will go back to repeat .

The Catalans follow needing a sale 'fat' to improve his conditions with the Fair Play financial and Of Jong is one of the best valued of the staff, in spite of signing a season, if it wants , disappointing. His agreement wins in two years, in 2026, and could have the door of open exit in front of his supposed intention of not renewing the agreement.

In the horizon will be, again, the option of the Manchester United. The Barça had arrived to an agreement with the English group in 2022 for his traspaso by 85 million euros, between fixed and variables, but Frenkie resisted to the option and the 'Network Devils' finished fichando to Casemiro from the Real Madrid. This summer, Erik have Hag would have the intention to ask again the incorporation of the midfield player with which coincided in the Ajax, according to an information of Sportive World.

The 'silence' of Frenkie of Jong prevails

The surroundings of the footballer already would know the intentions of the Dutch technician and that will exist the option that the United ask his traspaso. Have Hag considers to Frenkie like a "disciple" and expects to retell with him, for 'recover' the version that had showed in the Ajax that had turned him into one of the midfield players with greater projection of Europe and that has not been able to finish to find in the Barça.

To day of today, in any case, there are not contacts of any type. The future of the footballer of 26 years is a complete incógnita and only has trascended that it has not answered a supposed offer of renewal that sent him the Catalan club does some months. Of face to the summer, everything seems to indicate to that will live the enésima 'novel' in the Barça with Frenkie of Jong like big leading.