

Ernesto Valverde explains the arrival of Arturo Vidal, and no descarta more signings!

Published:4/08/2018 - 12:32h

Updated:4/08/2018 - 20:06h

To few hours of the last party of the FC Barcelona in turns it American, to Ernesto Valverde has touched him speak of signings. The Barcelona technician has defended the contracting of Arturo Vidal, and besides has left the open door to more incorporations to the team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It turns it American comes to an end and the FC Barcelona follows with several open fronts, some of them in the market of signings. The Catalans continue improving his staff to face a very ambitious season, and the last in arriving has been Arturo Vidal that has caused some doubts in the fans. Ernesto Valverde has very clear that the recently arrived can have his space.

In the previous press conference to the last friendly against the Milan, the technician has referred to the arrival of the Chilean, and has argued reason  can be of utility. "We expect that it contribute us energy in the midfield. Has experience and quality contrasted. Has numbers to having played a lot of parties there where was. It does not happen unobserved in the meetings. We expect that it contribute us things. It is a different profile, next to Paulinho. I expect that it can help us", it has explained to start with.

Besides, the technician has valued some relative questions to his incorporation, signalling that it is consensuada with the rest of managers of the first team and that it would be precipitated to judge it without seeing him play: "we Expect in the short term, half and long that help us a lot. In the Supercopa do not know how will be. The fact to happen of a League to another does not have to it extrañar too much, so we expect that between fast. If it is the player that wanted? I do not do requests with the players that have to come. All participate of this. The club is the one who index card".

"There are some players that mark you the style and others that arrive and enrich it"

"I accept the opinions of all the world. The past year there were people that criticised the signing of Paulinho without seeing him neither a minute and afterwards saw that it was a player that came us well. In a club as ours there is space for a lot of types of players. It is true that there are ones that mark you the style and others that when they arrive enrich it. Abidal Was an example of this. It arrived with a different style and adapted . It treats to enrich the style, no to consider something like bad divert a millimetre of the DNA", has argued.

After signalling that it does not think that his past injury in the knee cause him problems, has gone back to touch the subject of his experience: "it Has played in big teams. It knows it all the world. And it has played a lot there where has been, being very regulate in apparitions. There is not doubt. Of the same way that has fit in our team a player like Arthur, also can have it a footballer like Paulinho. The people spoke of more and at the end worked. Arturo is a different profile, yes. It compensates everything a bit after having fichado young players. We think that can help us his experience".

Questioned on if with the sudamericano closes the planning, the Txingurri has not wanted to close doors, leaving space for some signings more. "I do not have the key to close and open doors. We are the Barcelona and are open, the same that all the clubs of the world, to improve our team in the term that estimate timely. I do not know what goes to occur of here to the end of the market", has signalled.

When they have asked him directly if the final option would be Paul Pogba, has avoided to put in líos: "Pogba is a big player that is in a big team. We are respectful with the players that are in other clubs. I do not want to go in to value the elucubraciones that there is of other footballers. They are good all, but respect them to them and to his clubs".

Valverde, happy with the staff and the canteranos

Happening again to own players, Valverde has revealed that it does not expect a lot of changes in the situation of Jasper Cillessen, and also has spoken of the future of Rafinha Alcántara: "it Is doing a good pre-season. It is a player that is ours. The previous year could not participate. I could not it see more than in January. We have to see how it finishes the team, what thinks he and what thinks the club".

Answering on the integration of Riqui Puig, the one of Viandar of the Edge has warned that it does not centre in an only case, and has elogiado the path of the canteranos in turns it. "we are seeing Him To him and to all the players of the B. It is being a hard proof. They are answering to a big level in spite of the difficulty of the rivals. The idea is that there are players to horse between the first team and the second. Always respecting that his team is the B. With Aleñá already did it", has revealed with regard to his plans for the next course.

Besides, it has closed speaking of his left side, with an important weight of the quarry after the exit of Lucas Digne: "Already we will see how it goes this month. But my idea is to take out party to the players that have. And the players that have now are Cucurella and Miranda. With them we will try to play for the moment the party of morning and those that have by in front. they are doing It Well. I have an idea, but afterwards matters that the players adapt to her"