Pedro Rodríguez celebrates a goal with Chelsea in the Premier League


An ex of Barça, the surprise signing of Juventus?

Published:29/05/2020 - 20:50h

Updated:29/05/2020 - 20:50h

Juventus will be among the great protagonists of the summer 2020, and in Italy it is linked with an ex Barça player. Pedro Rodríguez could become the surprise signing of the 'vecchia signora'

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The negotiations between FC Barcelona and Juventus are one of the key subjects of the next market of signings, because they could involve to a big number of footballers. In spite of the interminable dance of names, everything aims to that Catalan and piamonteses will make an exchange to the that will contribute a player per person, although no descarta that the scales can decant in function of which are the selected.

In Italy have gone back to relate to the two groups, since they situate to the 'bianconeri' after an ex of the Barcelona. The champion of the Series To keeps his bet for dominating the domestic competitions -in which his opponents are winning him terrain- and give another step forward in the Champions League, by what in a window estival marked by the crisis of the coronavirus, do not want to leave escape the opportunities.

As 'Il Tempo', the 'bargain' that interests to the 'vecchia signora' is Pedro Rodríguez, that finish agreement with Chelsea to final of the present campaign -in theory on 30 June, but the date could change- and has showed his disposal to change of airs. Before the stop of the coronavirus, his season was marked by the fault of leadership and the injuries, but to his 32 years, the experts still see him visited.

The quoted half ensures that the Canarian would be a request expresses of Maurizio Sarri, that had him to his orders in Stamford Bridge and wishes to repeat in Turín. The preparador napolitano considers that an incorporation of his quality and experience could help to the team, whereas in London Frank Lampard leads a renewal of the staff that leaves more space to the youngsters and has moved him away of the titularity and the minutes.

Although the Tenerifean no descarta his return to LaLiga, the press transalpina plants him in the Series To. Precisely, the main competitor of the Juventus would be the Rome, that already there would be tanteado to his surroundings. With the Premier League more near to restart and a pending commitment in the Champions League -the turn of eighth against the Bayern of Munich-, the forward will have more time to study the possible offers.

Pedro dreams with going back to the Barça

In spite of that it already has admitted that it is an almost impossible operation, the dream of Pedro is to go back to the Barça, of the that left in 2015 to initiate a new adventure in England. "It is an option that always is here and that ojalá could give . All the world knows what seat by the club and is evident that is a possibility go back. I think that for them my turn is difficult, but is a possibility", explained in December.

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