One of the big names with which the FC Barcelona seems to want to give a true 'hit' in the next market of incorporations is Joshua Kimmich, mediocentro of 29 years of the Bayern Munich. When seeming, the one of Rottweil still has not arrived to an agreement to renew his agreement with the combined muniqués, which arrives to his term the next 30 June 2025. In front of this, would not be a rarity that the Bavarians, to the not obtaining a positive answer of the '6', evaluate to put it in the market this same summer by a quantity that rondaría between 30 and 40 million euros.

However, the Barcelona cast has clear that, even if it attains to equalise the economic pretences of the 'Die Roten', still will have the challenge to offer him a wage and a sportive project appeals to a footballer that looks for to add to a winning team and that comes to perceive a remuneration salarial important in the 'Giant of Baviera', around some 19,5 M€ gross by course. Besides, there is a reality ineludible and is that there are other big clubs of the continent that also have showed interest in doing of his services.

In this point, one of the squares that could loom seriously the interest of the FC Barcelona in Joshua Kimmich is the Manchester City. Recently, it has spoken that the 'citizens' are preparing an important offer to purchase to the midfield player germano. To his time, now has arisen a new factor that could bend the scales in favour of the 'Sky Blues'.

Joshua Kimmich would want to go back to work with Pep Guardiola

As it informed in the 'Daily Star' of England, Kimmich would have communicated to his surroundings that wants to fichar by the Manchester City in this market of summer to gather with Pep Guardiola, the one who has been an important figure in his career. It is necessary to remember that the trainer of Santpedor was the attendant to give him the opportunity to Joshua to debut in the Bayern Munich by there by 2015 with so alone 20 years. Even, in his moment braked his loan to the Stuttgart, arguing in his moment that could not leave go to a player to the that "saw like his son".

Finally, 'Pep' would direct to the midfield player only in the season 2015/16 in a total of 36 commitments before putting course to the picture of Manchester. Now, afterwards that they already have passed a few campaigns, the Catalan technician apparently would not see like bad eyes retell with the German under his tutela, especially if it takes into account the favourable conditions in which it would give his arrival and the fact that it would be a reinforcement 'top' for a medullary zone to which does not come him badly have another name of first level for robustecerla.