Erling Haaland Celebrates a goal with the Dortmund in Champions


Fake News? Raiola denies to Minguella on the signing of Haaland

Published:31/12/2020 - 20:10h

Updated:31/12/2020 - 20:10h

The agent of the player of the Borussia Dortmund, Mino Raiola, denied to have conversations with some precandidates to direct the Barcelona on a possible signing of Haaland

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The representative of Erling Haaland, Mino Raiola, denied this Thursday that have had conversations with Josep María Minguella, applicant to the charge of vice-president if Emili Rousaud wins the elections. This is due to that, Minguella affirmed to have spoken with him so that the Norwegian attacker fiche by the Barcelona in case to win Rousaud.

"Fake news! Never I have spoken with any presidential candidate of the Barcelona on Haaland and will not do it. If there is a new president chosen in January, can call me", cleared Raiola in statements in front of the German press, this as a result of the said the past Wednesday by Minguella, the one who ensured in front of having had conversations to attain that the Norwegian play for the Catalan group.

Said statement was done during the press conference that was summoned by Rousaud to present to Minguella like his vice-president. "To personal level have spoken with Raiola and have exactly all the data if Emili Rousaud goes out president. Will have to approve it the sportive director. If we did it the other way around, we would begin badly", it commented Minguella. Until the moment, neither Rousaud neither Minguella have answered to the statements of Raiola.

It will work for fichar to Mbappé

Besides, Minguella also affirmed that, so much he like Rousaud will try to do management so that the French forward, Kylian Mbappé, decide fichar by the Barcelona. At the same time, it remembered that this could be fichado by the Catalan square in the past, but opted by fichar to Dembélé. "It was on the table of the directors and the sportive director, but decided that Dembélé was more necessary that Mbappé. If we are at the top of this, Mbappé will be on of the table and already have done contacts. We will be there".

During the press conference, Rousaud described to Minguella like somebody with a big skill for fichar to promising players. "It could bring to Maradona, Stoichkov, Romario, Messi and with his son to Ansu. Always it has been present. In many of the important pages of the club, was leading".

Minguella Also detailed that, the project that he and Rousaud propose for the Barcelona, consists in giving him priority to look for to those players with talent that still have not been discovered, before his value shoot in the market.

Situation of Messi

Minguella Also pronounced on the situation of Messi. In this regard, it said that the Argentinian star is not annoying with the team or the club, but by the fault of victories of the Catalan group, by what expects that his project do him decide be still in the Barcelona. "Now I have it very clear, Leo is loved in Barcelona, but like any sportsman of elite wants to win, and win always. It has happened to win Champions, Leagues, Glasses, to not winning at all. He wants to have possibilities to follow winning and rebels when it does not win (…) what will offer him futbolísticamente, will put it to tope and will do him that it arrive to tope to Qatar".