Dani Rodríguez celebrando su tanto ante el Amberes en la UEFA Youth League


FC Barcelona is getting closer to closing the renewal of the promising Dani Rodríguez

Published:5/06/2024 - 17:59h

Updated:5/06/2024 - 18:00h

FC Barcelona would be about to close the renewal of Dani Rodríguez, a great promise from the quarry whose continuity in the culé team was being threatened by the interest of Athletic Club and Real Sociedad in signing him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has in Dani Rodríguez Crespo to one of his more promising players that finds in The Masia. This talentoso extreme left, with so alone 18 years, has stood out like one of the most striking names of the Barça Atlètic where added 10 commitments in which it saw minutes. Besides, in this course 2023/24, participated in the UEFA Youth League, invoiceing four annotations and offering three assistances in seven 'crashes', leaving in clear that it can be an active interesting to consider in the future for the first team, especially considering the need imperante that the club has showed to have natural left extremes, that do not abound in the staff.

Nevertheless, the name of the native of Astigarraga has been sounding a lot in the City Condal by another reason in addition to his innegable sportive talent: his agreement with the Barcelonan cast is next to win on 30 June, what has generated a big quantity of rumours on if the club will renew conveniently to the extreme or if he will leave to another team, since surely they will not be missing him offers.

In this point, seems that there are two clubs interested in doing of his services: the Athletic Club and the Real Sociedad, being this last perhaps the favourite, since both have offered him the opportunity to make the pre-season with the first team. However, the combined 'Txuri-Urdin' already knows it, since the Gipuzkoan player formed in his quarry until 2020 before joining to the Cadet To of the FC Barcelona. Therefore, it would not be surprising that wish to recover it because of his development in the inferior categories of the group culé.

The FC Barcelona already is moving index card to renew to Dani Rodríguez

Nevertheless, it seems that this situation will not go further, since according to the journalist Pablo Barea, the one who informed in the portal web 'Sportive Fans', the Basque is very near to renew with the Catalan picture, extending his agreement with the club. It is necessary to remember that the FC Barcelona has the option to extend his agreement of unilateral way by at least two seasons more.

In this sense, could be key to speed up the negotiations the fact that Dani Rodríguez is represented by Pini Zahavi, the one who already has to two of his directed in the Barcelona institution, Hansi Flick and Robert Lewandowski. Likewise, it seems to have a good relation with the club, by what it will be necessary to see if the club can do him arrive an economic offer the sufficiently tempting, to the equal that the sportive offer, where the player surely will take in account the bet stood out that the club makes by the young talents to give them opportunities in the first team.

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