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FC Barcelona will get rid of a great promise that never finished exploiting

Published:25/06/2024 - 15:54h

Updated:26/06/2024 - 04:44h

FC Barcelona seems to be willing to let Cristo Muñoz go, one of the players who apparently has great potential in the youth team, but who has not had the necessary consistency to fully develop his quality. Now he will have to prove his worth outside of Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona enorgullece to have in The Masia one of the most stood out quarries of the world, able to produce a big quantity of talents that are used to to be taken advantage of of effective way in the first team. Nevertheless, tolgunos of these players formed in the filial culé no always have the opportunity, already was by different reasons, to debut in the maximum category with the Barcelonan cast, by what see forced to continue developing his careers out of the City Condal.

In this sense, recently has given to know that the combined Barcelona does not have the intention to renew the agreement of Cristóbal 'Christ' Muñoz, offensive midfield player of 19 years of age. As it informs 'SPORT', once that the canterano finalise his stage like juvenile player, the Catalan picture will not offer him the opportunity to continue in the Barça Atlètic, what involves that they will not renew his current agreement, which expires the next 30 June.

The possible reason of his fallida renewal with the FC Barcelona

The almeriense had some sporadic participations in the First RFEF with the filial directed by Rafa Márquez (11 minutes in five 'crashes') during the campaign 2023/24. Likewise, it contested six of the seven meetings with the Juvenile To in the UEFA Youth League. In the institution, was considered one of the big and ilusionantes promises, because of his role like mediapunta, his technical quality, his capacity goleadora and his physical power. All these qualities did him lucir like a player with a truly interesting projection.

Unfortunately, for him, these skills that were recognised by the department of 'scouting' of the combined Barcelonan and that carried to his signing in 2017 from the UD Pavia, have not attained to manifest with the regularity wished in the seven seasons that has played in the basic football of the FC Barcelona. Although it has left destellos of his big quality in some moments, has not attained to keep a constant performance, what has carried to the club to do without his services.

The Lazio, new possible destination for Christ Muñoz

Now it remains for seeing where will continue his sportive career Christ Muñoz. In this point, the journalist Alfredo Pedullà mentioned that the Lazio is interested in doing of his services. Besides, in the 'Gazzetta dello Sport', also aseveran that the almeriense incorporate to the dynamics of the first team lacial after his 'stage' in Auronzo gave Cadore, where the 'blanquicelestes' accustom to prepare his pre-season. It will be necessary to expect to see if in another team attains to take advantage of to the maximum all these big qualities that recognise him , but that now will have to show out of Can Barça.