'Dignitat Blaugrana' Formulated does a pair of 50 several questions to be answered by the FC Barcelona. Between them those that did reference to the commissions credited by the club in the signings of Vitor Roque and Raphinha, both led by the now sportive director Deco, from his role of agent with the extreme, and of intermediary with the leading centre. Now, the answer has this has arrived, which dates of the past 19 June and is signed by the secretary Josep Cubells.

The Barça has explained to the platform that represents to a group of barcelonistas that want "a more worthy club and more open" that "when it offered the charge to Deco east loaned professional services by incompatible own account with his new place of work in the club", informed 'Dignitat Blaugrana in his social networks, where have published the different answers culés.

The Barça has wanted to clear the official arrival of Deco to the club

"Deco Needed a logical and prudential time for desvincularse of his previous obligations like agent of players", added also to his explanation to the Barça. Likewise, the club added that "" they did not have never professional and mercantile relation direct or indirect Deco and André Cury until the signing of Deco like technical secretary in August of 2023. Equally, the Barça adds that it was connoisseur that there was not, there is not, any relation between Deco and Cury neither between Deco and Vitor Roque.

Regarding the commission credited by the Barça by Vitor Roque, the club answers that "This information is subject to the clauses of confidentiality but, anyway, the amount to pay is inside the price of market in this type of operations", ensure. The Barça aimed also that "there is not any physical person that have earned a commission by this operation. The FC Barcelona signed an agreement of intermediation with date 7 July 2023 with the Brazilian company Sandro and Ehler Assessoria and Gestao Esportiva Ltda", adds to the information.

The operation of Raphinha in 2022, another point to highlight

On the commissions in the signing of Raphinha, the club neither facilitates any figure. The Barça aimed that "the details of the agreements with the agents and the amounts are fruit of the negotiation that in each case carries out. The total amount to pay was authorised so much by the executives as by the members of the timely Managerial Board in function of the protocol of approval and signature of valid agreements in the Club", resolved the Catalan entity.