Joan Gamper Stadium in La Masia


FC Barcelona wants to sign two great promises to reinforce La Masia

Published:9/07/2024 - 11:33h

Updated:9/07/2024 - 11:33h

The FC Barcelona does not detain in his idea that it keep growing his quarry and one of the ways is can fichar some 'perla' that it can finish to form in the entity. In this case it treats of two promising players of the quarry of the Saragossa

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The basic football of the Real Saragossa confronts to the possibility to lose to varied of the most promising talents of his quarry and the FC Barcelona is one of the big interested in remaining with two of these 'perlas'. It treats of Gorka Buil and Samu Borniquel, both in childish age, but playing in upper category, those who can finish going out this summer with direction of Can Barça.

In both cases the Aragonese club has armoured to the youngsters with an agreement with a monthly allocation and a clause of rescission, but seems that it will not be sufficient in front of the Barcelona club, which already has kept multiple contacts with the surroundings of the two footballers, and although it is not the only club that wants them, especially in the case of Gorka, yes that it is the best positioned.

Buil Is the footballer probably of greater projection of the quarry zaragocista and already international Sub-14 in the recently premièred Spanish selection that confronted in friendly duels to Turkey, commitments in which Gorka annotated three goals. On him, and on Samu Borniquel, 'Sport' aims that the intention culé goes through to reinforce his generation Sub-15 with an important base of players of the Childish To, but also giving to this Cadet B that will direct David Sánchez a 'plus' with signings like the already mentioned.

The Barça apura the operation of the two big talents of the Saragossa

If the operation arrived to good port, expects that the Aragonese entity demand the corresponding rights to the training of the footballers or even the contemplated in the agreements to which are varied subjects of the young players, although in this type of operations the most important is used to to be agree everything together with the wish of the players and of his families, something that no always is easy.

Gorka Buil is a player netamente creative, being a left-handed player that alternates the position of interior or mediapunta with the one of false extreme, trying always break lines when has the balloon. By his part, Samu is a profile of midfield player that likes a lot in Can Barça, being able to occupy any one of the two interiors in his 4-3-3 system, showing up to now a big handle of balloon.

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