From his arrival to the rows of the Real Madrid, Eduardo Camavinga has turned into a vital piece for the diagram of game of Carlo Ancelotti. After changing him of position to the left lane, the Italian has been able to take out the best of him, such as it did it Didier Deschamps in the French selection, leaving favourable results.

Of course it is a midfield player, but covering this demarcation does not have desentonado. However, this has woken up also the interest by part of other clubs that could present his offers in front of the white team in procures to do with his services, mainly in the case of clubs of the Premier League.

The strategy of the Madrid

In such sense, the managerial merengue has the intention to increase substantially the mount that it perceives by concept of wage until the million and half of euros, since at present it has one of the lowest index cards of the white staff with an agreement that has validity until the summer of 2027. Of this way, would ensure his permanence.

The information has been to charge of the skilled journalist in subjects of market, Fabrizio Romano, indicating that besides the club has the intention to go up the amount fixed in his clause of rescission of the 700 million current euros until the 1.000 millions. By his part, the French wants to be still in the Madrilenian team.

The praises of Ancelotti

The míster neither has hid the importance that the Frenchman has for his game, so much in the 'room of machines' as in defensive works: "it Is a player with an extraordinary quality in all the facets: physics, technical and besides tácticamente is improving. It can play in any place of the field. It would fulfil like head office and like mediapunta. It is a special player with the characteristics that has".