The FC Barcelona, in spite of the economic problems that has confronted recently, does not renounce to his idea to incorporate players of first level for the team. One of the additions that the club culé seems to wish is the one of Florian Wirtz, the one who had a stood out season 2023/24 with the Bayer Leverkusen, adding 18 annotations and 20 assistances in 49 commitments, presenting as one of the most promising talents of the European and world-wide football, with an impressive projection.

In front of this, is not surprising that several important clubs are interested in him. The most mentioned up to now are the Real Madrid and the Manchester City. rumorea That the combined merengue would be considering his arrival in 2025, possibly related with the presumptive arrive of Xabi Alonso like trainer in replacement of Carlo Ancelotti. By his part, the 'citizens' also see it like a possible replacement for Kevin Of Bruyne, whose agreement with the club finalises on 30 June 2025. Besides, it estimates that the traspaso of Wirtz would not be inferior to 120 M€, what would suppose a transaction economically prohibitiva for the Barça in this moment.

However, the combined Catalan is conscious that at present it does not have options for fichar to the native of Pulheim and has postponed his hopes until 2025. In this year, the FC Barcelona has traced like aim incorporate to the talentoso German player, as long as it have an optimum economic stability that allow him compete by his traspaso, that expects was costly.

The factor that could bend to Florian Wirtz to fichar by the FC Barcelona

Nevertheless, the Barcelonan picture could have to his favour a very important factor: the disposal of the player to turn into part of the team culé and refuse other sportive projects economically more yielding. This predisposition would be related with the fact that Florian Wirtz is a big fanatical of the Barça from his infancy. In an interview with 'Sky Sports Germany' two years ago, aseveró: "Always I wanted to be the best, of boy dreamed with playing in the Barça and this has not changed". Besides, it exists photographic evidence that backs this affirmation, since it has spread an image in which it sees to the boy Wirtz dressing the elastic Barcelona.

In this same interview, Florian also mentioned that had afiches of Leo Messi, Dembélé and Aubameyang in his room, and considers to 'The Flea' as one of his big idols. "My first T-shirt was the one of Messi with Argentina. When it was small, he was the best player, anybody could play like him", commented.

Finally, another detail that could be fundamental for the FC Barcelona is the arrival of Hansi Flick. The '10' of the Leverkusen seems to have a good memory of the German trainer, since it was under his direction that debuted in the German selection in a commitment against Liechtenstein on 2 September 2021. The offensive midfield player turned into one of the debutantes younger in the history of the 'Mannschaft' (18 years, three months and 30 days) and continues standing out, being considered a key piece for the selected of Julian Nagelsmann of face to the coming Eurocopa 2024, positioning as one of the most attractive players to be still in this competition.