A former Barça player makes it clear that Arteta would be "by far" the best successor to Xavi
Published:10/02/2024 - 17:57h
Updated:10/02/2024 - 18:06h
Lluís Carreras, former FC Barcelona player, expressed his opinion on who should be Xavi Hernández's successor as culé coach for next season, nominating Mikel Arteta as his candidate and exposing the reasons for his choice
The future of the FC Barcelona regarding who will be the trainer the next campaign follows wrapped in a big climate of uncertainty. Although the club seems to have clear the profile of trainer by which will bet, have rumoreado numerous names that generate a lot of interrogantes on who will be the successor of Xavi Hernández, a transcendental decision for the near future of the Barcelona picture.
There is a name that apparently likes a lot to people linked to the barcelonismo, as it is the case of Mikel Arteta, trainer that at present is enjoying of a very good campaign with the Arsenal. The 'Gunners' are at present in the active fight by the leadership of the Premier League and attained to classify to the eighth of final of the UEFA Champions League, all this deploying a proposal of game quite attractive.
Equally, it does not be necessary obviar the fact that the donostiarra has his past like player culé, since it went through The Masia, seeing action in the Juvenile To and the Barça Atlètic, although it did not attain to debut in the first team. Nevertheless, the donostiarra seems to have adopted of very good form the concepts of the school culé and know deeply the idiosyncrasy of the club. Likewise, the fact to having worked of an ex of the house as it is the case of Pep Guardiola (201 duels like his second trainer in the Manchester City) turn it into an active very attractive, although no necessarily easy to achieve.
The exjugador of the Barça that supports the idea of Arteta like relief of Xavi
In this sense, one of which has suggested to Mikel Arteta like possible technical director of the FC Barcelona has been Lluís Careers. The native of Sant Pol of Sea, exfutbolista of the Barça, bred in The Masia and that played in the first team under the orders of Johan Cruyff, possesses a good knowledge at first hand of the barcelonismo. In an interview in 'SPORT', the exjugador has detailed the profile that, in his opinion, the Catalan cast needs and in which it considers that the donostiarra would fit perfectly.
"What have to have clear before choosing to a trainer is what want to do. There are three fundamental appearances: knowledges of the model of game of the Barça (is impepinable, can not us divert), the management of the changing room and of the surroundings (has to be permeable and have a very marked personality) and third, have capacity of leadership. Between other things to update methods of modern training", reviewed Careers.
From this, the Spanish has expressed his wish that the elected was Mikel Arteta. "I have made public it, I say it. I have had the luck to have it listened, to having been with him in talks. For me, Mikel Arteta without any doubt. And with a lot of difference on the rest with all the respect to all the piles of trainers that have gone out. Mikel has knowledge of the club, has been at the side of Pep, what adds 300% for me. It has taken out to the Arsenal of a situation complicated splitting of zero. It has improved the performance of a lot of players…", concluded.
Mikel Arteta would not be in position to join to the Barça this summer
Nevertheless, Mikel Arteta is a name complicated to purchase, at least for now, for the next season, since although the donostiarra no to having closed the door to turn into technical of the FC Barcelona to future, has left clear that at present is concentrated in the Arsenal and is not considering other destinations futbolísticos. Even it has expressed his annoyance by the rumours that affirmed that it would finish his agreement with the 'Gunners' to join to the Barcelona picture this summer. It will be necessary to expect and see how develop the actions in a project that, at first sight, seems feasible, but also quite complicated to carry to good port.