A french MEP: "Mbappé will cost 40 millions instead of 200"
Published:18/04/2020 - 19:53h
Updated:18/04/2020 - 19:53h
The world of football has been hit by the coronavirus crisis, which has become a threat to the economy. The french MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit wants this to serve to regulate this business, and puts Kylian Mbappé as an example
The world of the football treats to surpass the crisis of the coronavirus, and assumes that it will have to do important changes in the next years. For the moment, the reorganisation of the campaign 2019-20 will cause affectations to the competitions to short and half term, but there are more plots in which it will be necessary to opt by adjust in depth. The greater fears of the experts aim to questions related with the economy.
Keep the financial stability of the clubs has turned into the greater challenge of the sportive authorities, that study how avoid a sinking in mass that looms by fault of a stop to the that still has not achieved put a concrete end. As in other a lot of sectors, if the confinement does not finish and achieve increase guarantees and diminish risks, the future paints of a quite dark colour.
The pessimistic prognosis has underlined it the euro-deputy Daniel Cohn-Bendit, that in his column for 'Ouest France' has proposed to take advantage of to make a remodeling of the world-wide sportive system. The French thinks that this situation is an opportunity to assume responsibilities and move away of a tendency of inflation and immoderate waste to which it would be necessary to put control. For this, has started with a very known example: "Tomorrow, after the crisis of the coronavirus, Mbappé will cost 35 or 40 millions in place of 200. And who will be able to buy it?".
"This crisis will clean the irrationality of the professional sport. It is as if there had been a nuclear attack and it was necessary to reconstruct it, but in other bases. There will be a de facto regulation. It would be necessary to go even more far with a tope salarial. It is a reorganisation that happens no only by the wages of the players, but also by the right to the image and the advertising", has explained, opening the door to a big revolution.
For this, has appealed to union and solidarity, and has suggested new models of management: "we Have to break the system of managers, of those that do businesses desorbitados in the football. I do not think that the footballers do it worse because it pay them less. In the future, in the agreements of television of the football will have to determine that a percentage go to stop to the olympic sport and another for the amateur, for example".
'Transfermarkt' Already reflects the economic recession
The collapse economic that looms to the football already reflects it 'Transfermarkt', that has adjusted the values of market of the stars to the drop. The experts in valuation of the German portal have recortado his evaluations in function of several criteria, and waiting for resolving incógnitas and go updating all his statistics, have estimated that the crisis of the coronavirus has caused a fall of 9.229 million euros to world-wide level.