The future of Arnau Tenas is one of the folders that more concern to the sportive direction of the FC Barcelona. His agreement won the past 30 June and did not activate to time the clause to renew him, by what now is a free agent and can choose to the team of his preference of face to the 2023-2024. His intention, after exhibiting with Spain in the European sub-21, is to follow winning regularity and minutes in the maximum category.

Tenas Knows that, to his 22 years, is for a more important challenge. It has showed to be a guardameta of guarantees and is not casualidad that Xavi Hernández had asked publicly his continuity. However, 'SPORT' has informed that, to day of today, results complicated that the Barça can achieve his continuity, although the player has not taken the definite decision on his plans of face to the next course.

The Barça has not moved index card by Arnau Tenas

Of agreement to the same source, the club of the City Condal still has not moved index card to achieve the signature of the guardameta of Vic. Since it confirmed his devinculación, the blaugrana would not have gone back him to contact for a next meeting, although other informations aim to that the club him 'quoted' to train the day Monday, when they finish his holidays after the dispute of the European Sub-21.

The aim, in principle, was that his contractual situation resolved prompt, but in front of the inmovilismo in the 'operation gone out' of the Barça, all the movements have delayed considerably. 'Sportive world', on the other hand, informed that the club still pretends 'repescarlo' and that firm an agreement by the next seasons, but will offer him an agreement to the drop. It would have to assume a very inferior wage to the that had up to now after the renewal that signed in 2020.