Luis Díaz partido2


Goodbye to Barça? Luis Diaz speaks clearly about his options to leave Liverpool in the summer

Published:13/05/2024 - 13:43h

Updated:13/05/2024 - 13:43h

FC Barcelona are working on strengthening their attacking line and the name of Luis Diaz remains one of the options, although the Colombian does not seem to want to focus on a change of scenery for this summer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Nico Williams, Dani Elm, Álex Baena and Xavi Simons are some of the alternatives that the FC Barcelona has on the table to try reinforce his left extreme this summer. In this list of footballers also has been during muhco time Luis Díaz, although the Colombian has continued going down whole by the high pretences of the Liverpool, in addition to the own posture of the player.

And it is that you grieve that the forward knows that the Barça is studying the market in search of a player desequilibrante that can give a jump of quality to the Barcelona staff, something very similar to his profile, and to be a recognised fan culé, does not seem that it go to try force the operation. In fact, Díaz was appointed like better player of the Liverpool of the past month of April and in his gratitude left clear his intention to continue in Anfield.

Díaz seems very happy in the Liverpool

In an interview to the official means of the club 'network', expressed his happiness in the English group and showed ilusionando with the future of the team, one in which it no longer will be Jürgen Klopp. "Arrive to this big club that is the Liverpool, leaves you a lot of learnings. Every time you learn more to be professional, to be better person, to be a good mate and a good type. The truth is that I am very happy to be here", ensured the Colombian.

Besides, the footballer of 27 years aimed that "they come big years for the club, of this do not have any doubt", sentenced, leaving glimpse that it will be still in the Liverpool the next season, and that will not think too much in his arrival to the Barça. Although his 13 goals and 5 assistances in all the competitions this course put him like an interesting option for the culés, and that the exit of Klopp had caused some doubts on his continuity, the situation seems resolved.

The Barça will have to think in other alternatives

It fits to remember that the Liverpool paid 43 million fixed euros, more other 14 in variables by Luis Díaz in January of 2022. It is thus that in case of a sale, his price of exit would be very high, a factor that complicates and a lot that the Barça can bet by his incorporation since the alternatives of Nico Williams, or Xavi Simons, the one who could arrive yielded, would be much more accessible in terms of money.

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