Guardiola Would want to carry to Luis Suárez to the Manchester City
Guardiola Would want to carry to Luis Suárez to the Manchester City
Published:7/02/2016 - 11:20h
Updated:7/02/2016 - 11:20h
From England follow insisting in that Pep Guardiola would have some aims in the FC Barcelona to reinforce to the Manchester City of face to the next season 2016-17, and now ensure that Luis Suárez would be the main pointed name for the forward
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The English press, always given to speculations, ensures now that the prodigious forward of the FC Barcelona, Luis Suárez, would come under scrutiny of the new future trainer of the Manchester City, Pep Guardiola, to reinforce to the picture "citizen" of face to the next season and although the "Kun" Agüero is the big reference of the team and plays in the same position that the Uruguayan.
The "Mirror" is the one who has desvelado said information, ensuring that the aim of the technician of Santpedor would not be another that plant together in the flank of attack to Luis Suárez and the "Kun" Agüero like couple goleadora and demoledora, forming one of the best duets of Europe with the permission of Neymar Jr and Leo Messi. It does some days also spoke from the islands that the Manchester City had foreseen also go in in the bidding by the signing of Neymar Jr, although with the step of the hours has gone matizando that will be the Manchester United the one who will struggle to the end by the incorporation of the young Brazilian talent of the FC Barcelona.
But going back to the previous, seems more than complicated that Pep Guardiola interest by the signing of Luis Suárez, taking into account that the representative of the charrúa is his brother Pere, and precisely that would have been the main reason by which never has posed reinforce neither to FC Barcelona neither to Bayern Munich with Suárez.
Pep Guardiola, a familiar person, would not want to have any type of problem, misunderstanding or discrepancy with his brother Pere, and by this reason would think that the best is to not to interest by the footballers to which represents. Anyway, with the near of 200 million euros of which will have the Manchester City for fichar this next summer, desconoce still which will be the big aims of the picture "citizen". One of them, the main, could be Paul Pogba.