wirtz gundogan barça


Gundogan, the '10' signing so that Barça can save and 'attack' Wirtz in 2024

Published:29/03/2023 - 14:53h

Updated:29/03/2023 - 15:02h

FC Barcelona needs a quality attacking midfielder and it seems that they have a very advanced agreement with Ilkay Gündogan, who ends his contract with City this summer and would arrive at zero cost. The signing of the German could be a declaration of intent by the Catalans, who have in mind to 'attack' Florian Wirtz in 2024, when there is more money and salary margin

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona carries from the past summer wanting to fichar an offensive midfield player with profile of 'jugón'. Bernardo Silva was the big aim of the culés, but the Manchester City denied to sell him by the quantity that could pay the Barça and the Portuguese finished remaining in the Premier. However, the wish by fichar a half of this style has not disappeared and for this window veraniega will go back to try.

Although it has gone back to speak of Bernardo, the problems with the Fair Play that have the Barcelona have done that it look for a more economic reinforcement. Nevertheless, the barcelonistas have gone back to look to the same place and have not gone of Manchester, where Ilkay Gündogan finishes agreement in this 2023. The germano resists to renew with the 'cityzens' and everything aims that it goes to go out of the club to put course to the Camp Nou.

Agreement almost closed with Gündogan

This past Tuesday has ensured that the Barça already would have a very advanced agreement with the ex of the Borussia Dortmund for his arrival of face to the course that comes. So only it would be missing that the one of Gelsenkirchen accepted a clause that the blaugrana also have put him to Iñigo Martínez, that also remains free and with the one who already have an enclosed pact for the next season.

Ilkay Gündogan festejando un gol con el Manchester City

Said clause would be contemplating the possibility that the FC Barcelona can not inscribe to Ilkay by his limitations with the Fair Play. In this case, the half would have to leave yielded to another team a year earning the same that signed in his agreement with the culés. This is a form to ensure them to the new signings his future of some form, in case there were more problems of the expected with his registrations.

Nevertheless, in the picture barcelonista expect that all go well and that Gündogan finish dressing this same year the elastic Barcelona. The team needs a footballer with his individual quality, his vision of game and his leadership with balloon not to depend so much of Pedri. The Canarian is at present the only able to dominate the times in the game with balloon of the Barça, to connect the midfield with the forward and to do better to all his mates, by what if it is not the team resiente a lot of.

Partner five stars for Pedri in the Barça

With the germano on the field, the '8' of Tenerife will have a perfect partner to play and the team will have another able player to control the parties, link half and leading and in summary, to be able to give an important jump of quality. It does not be necessary to forget that the still player of the City carries long being in the elite of midfield players in Europe, by what is not any any one. It is one of the best in the his and can ficharle 'free' is an opportunity that in Barcelona can not leave happen.

Pedri González en un duelo con Gündogan

However, it is necessary to leave clear that no everything in Ilkay convinces, since his age could become a problem sooner that late. The mediocampista is 32 years old and will fulfil the 33 in October, by what already is in the straight final of his career in the elite. With luck they can him remain two or three years more than good football that could enjoy the Barça in case of ficharle. But to these ages never there is at all safe and anybody can descartar that instead of two or three good seasons finish him remaining one or two more.

By all this, in the Barcelona picture can not trust Gündogan like titling usual to half term. The German still has 'rope' to be very important and give a lot of things the season that comes and probably the following, but just in case the FC Barcelona has to have a plan. Luckily, it gives the feeling that the culés already have planned to the that could be the substitute of the 'cityzen' even before having closed his signing.

Florian Wirtz is the plan on a long-term basis of the Barça

Florian Wirtz is allocated to be one of the best offensive midfield players of the world and in the Camp Nou want to that it do pair with Pedri, that already is one of the 'top' and that goes to be one of the big dominadores of the next decade. That seems the aim prioritario to half term, since the one of the Bayer Leverkusen seems that it will not go out this summer and that it will be in the one of 2024 when it leave the Bundesliga.

Florian Wirtz en un duelo del Leverkusen

The Manchester City or the Real Madrid also follow to the young German of 19 years, by what the bidding by him goes to be important. Everything aims that his sale goes to be above the 100 million euros and is therefore by what the FC Barcelona can not neither consider go to by him in this next market veraniego. The barcelonistas do not have neither the money neither the margin salarial sufficient to carry out an operation of east calibrate, by what there would be at all that do in case that the international by Germany went out now.

The 2024 goes to be the year for fichar to Wirtz

Fortunately, everything indicates that it will remain in the Leverkusen a year more, by what the Barça goes to have a course more to save, follow recessing mass salarial and can compete of you to you against almost any one for ficharle in 2024. Besides, the Catalans have the favour of the own footballer, that does some months declared that his team preferred is the FC Barcelona.

But the Barcelona picture could not expect seated a campaign to be able to fichar an offensive midfield player and is therefore by what seems that it goes to do with Gündogan. A reinforcement 'top', as already it has said , but that besides fits by age with the plan on a long-term basis that would mean to bring to Wirtz. When the 'jewel' German arrived, his compatriot would have already almost 34 years and could need rotar more than what does it now. Besides, it could be a species of mentor for him until it assimilate what means to play in a 'giant' European with the maximum requirement.

Florian Wirtz dando una orden con el Leverkusen

Wirtz And Gündogan could coexistir in the FC Barcelona

There is not doubt that both could play together with Pedri and Frenkie of Jong in the already famous system with four means of Xavi. Also they could do it with the Canarian and Gavi, being Ilkay the mediocentro, function that has exerted in Manchester when it has touched. Besides, also they could substitute the one to the another during one or two seasons more, until the ex of the Dortmund finish agreement or withdraw .

The plan of the Barça seems to be clear, but still has to initiate it with the arrival of the germano of Turkish origin. Once announced he will touch to expect a year to be able to go to by his compatriot and of this form ensure a midfield player 'top' for the next two years and to another that surely finish being still better for the next decade. If all goes out like the culés plan, the FC Barcelona will go back to dominate the European football during a lot of years.

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