Joao Félix en un entrenamiento de la selección de Portugal


Hansi Flick trusts that Joao Félix can be the star he was destined to be

Published:29/06/2024 - 17:04h

Updated:29/06/2024 - 17:05h

Hansi Flick is clear that in João Félix there is a top-level player, who has not yet been able to exploit for various reasons. Given this, the German coach has the firm conviction that if the Barça team manages to renew his loan, he will be able to take advantage of all his qualities

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It will follow Joãor Félix in the FC Barcelona for the season 2024/25? This is an interrogante that retumba with increasingly forces in the club of the City Condal, since although the Portuguese is an active widely valued by his exquisite technical quality when it is 'enchufado', did not have his more brilliant campaign to the enfundarse the elastic culé in the period 2023/24.

In this course, the one of Viseu, under the orders of Xavi Hernández, had a beginning in his adventure like Barcelona truly promising, converting annotations in consecutive days in front of the Real Betis (1) in LaLiga EA Sports and the Amberes (2) in the Champions League. However, it could not sustain this regularity in the time and finished the season being an acting usual and a clear candidate to go out of the team, in spite of having closed with 10 annotations and giving six assistances. Even, apparently the technician egarense was not in position to include him in his sportive planning for the 2024/25.

Nevertheless, now with the change of trainer, the options of the luso could be seeing revitalizadas. In fact, as it informed in 'SPORT', Hansi Flick has the full confidence in that, if it attains renew the cession of the exjugador of the SL Benfica for the next season, east will be able to squeeze to the maximum his performance, since it thinks that is an attacker very desequilibrante and of which can mark differences.

What needs Joãor Félix to become 'top'

According to the referred source, the German technician think that so that Joãor Félix arrive to a level 'top' only needs greater confidence by part of the trainer and continuity in his game. It is necessary to remember that under the orders of the 'Cholo' Simeone in the Athletic of Madrid did not enjoy of a lot of regularity in his accionar, and with Xavi Hernández, although had a lot of opportunities to shine, finished them losing along a full season of a lot of performances 'grey' and inconsistentes.

Now it will be necessary to see in what ends this operation. In principle, the interest of the FC Barcelona in doing of the services of the Portuguese is clear and east wants to be still in the picture culé by a season more, but still is missing to confront the negotiation with the group 'colchonero', owner of his index card until 2029 and that wants to give off of him. This yes, do not wish to leave him go to any price, in front of a Barcelona cast that pretends only lengthen his loan with a series of favourable conditions for them, as it did it in this course 2023/24.

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