Hans-Dieter Flick will fulfil his dream to direct to the FC Barcelona and will convert officially in the relief of Xavi Hernández the next week. The German trainer, that refused to the Bayern of Munich and to Chelsea to expect to the end to the Barça, will seat in the Barcelona bench at least the course that comes. All the sportive means coiniden in that it is an enclosed signing and that the decision of Joan Laporta and of the club in general is totally taken.

In fact, the plan of the picture barcelonista would be to announce the signing of the exseleccionador of Germany next Monday and present it along the next week. If it does not happen at all, the germano will sign an agreement until 2026, being the second optional campaign, being supeditada to the fulfillment of some aims of the course that comes. Therefore, Xavi will see forced to leave the club of his life only a month after confirming that finally it went to fulfil his agreement until 2025.

In 'Jijantes' give him such officiality to the decision of the Barça that ensure that the same Laporta would have called to Pini Zahavi, representative of the German trainer, to confirm him that it is the elected and that Xavi will not continue. Now only it is missing that the president communicate it to him to the míster of Terrassa, that although it has to know it everything by the means, still does not know it of mouth of the maximum leader blaugrana. It was especulando with that the meeting for desvelarle his dismissal would be the Monday, after playing in front of the Seville the Sunday, but 'Jan' has gathered in the Ciutat Esportiva this Friday with Deco and all could precipitate.

The unsteadiness in the Barça at last will touch to his end

With the closing of this serial will put end to a stage of unsteadiness entirely unexpected in the FC Barcelona. The months after confirming Xavi that it would leave to final of campaign were odd, since from the entity siemprese left clear that wanted that the egarense followed. However, after the course backwards of the technician, that many did not understand, seemed that it began a new project that went to give back him the tranquility to the club. Finally, this calm has lasted only some weeks and Laporta has virado the course completely, deciding put end definitively to the stage of the excapitán culé in the Barça.