Hansi Flick partido3


Hansi Flick's total commitment to wait for Barça until when needed

Published:23/05/2024 - 15:19h

Updated:23/05/2024 - 20:42h

Barça has been working to ensure the coach of the next season as soon as possible, a situation in which Hansi Flick continues to ratify his patience

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of the bench in the FC Barcelona seems increasingly reduced to the options that it follow Xavi Hernández or to the signing of Hansi Flick, tol margin that it also exist the possibility that Rafa Márquez was the trainer if the egarense goes and there is a twist of script with the German. However, 'Mark' informs this Thursday that the Mexican is practically descartado afterwards that the trainer Teutonic him ensured to Deco his intention to await by the Barça.

The information signals that the sportive director culé has received the green light by part of Flick to expect to the next week, moment in which it seems that it will remain defined who will occupy the bench the next campaign. Although it takes for granted the agreement with the German, the first contact of Deco with the technician would not have arrived until this level.

Hansi Flick Has ratified his illusion of fichar by the Barça

The 'summit', that went of telephone way, had to Flick ensuring that it does not have any commitment with Chelsea to assume the role of trainer of the English team, and clearing that it will not have problem to expect to that it happen the last party of the season for the Barça. The Barcelona group will contest it in front of the Seville next Sunday and the German left clear that is had to expect to the Barcelona team if finally Xavi finish going out.

Now only it remains for seeing how resolves the subject with the one of Terrasa, the one who the Monday would have to have a meeting to clear his future, but in this moment this meeting is not programmed, aims the information. To the margin, Deco follows working with the trainer to program the next season, understanding that right now Xavi has a lot of more options to go out that to continue.

Xavi, with days complicated for facing

There is not doubt that the situation of Xavi in these moments is very delicate. Without having any official news of the club and with the name of Hansi Flick already in all the quinielas, the míster tries to face the party of the Sunday in front of the Seville of the best way, but especially, knowing that it has to be in at least two press conferences more.