Raphaël Varane in a party of the Real Madrid


How much paid the Manchester United by the signing of Varane?

Published:31/07/2021 - 15:08h

Updated:31/07/2021 - 15:09h

Until the moment, have circulated diverse informations on the final price of the traspaso of Raphael Varane. From Spain sustain that it treats of 50 million more variable euros, whereas in England the mount has been of 40 millions

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After a moving farewell of his mates in the Real Madrid during a training, Raphael Varane has initiated the necessary formalities to leave to England and integrate to the staff of the Manchester United, where will put to the orders of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

The French will direct beside his familiar to British territory, where in principle will have to keep isolated during five days. It will be then when it subject to the medical recognition, of whose result will depend his incorporation and eventual official presentation with the Network Devils.

Uncertainty on the cost of his traspaso

Nevertheless, still it prevails the incógnita on the total amount that the English team credited to the arks of the Real Madrid by his signing. From Spain, the means sustain that this priced in 50 million more variable euros, whereas in England speaks of 34 million pounds, some 40 million euros.

Likewise, there is other 10 millions in variables, a figure that will depend on the parties contested by the French and the aims reached. If finally the mount is of 50 millions, would be one of the sales with greater profits for the Real Madrid, surpassing the 47 millions that received by Mesut Özil (envoy to the Arsenal) and the 45 'kilos' that paid Chelsea by Mateo Kovacic.

In this sense, would treat of one of the five greater sales of the Real Madrid in his history, only surpassed by the ones of Cristiano Ronaldo (sold to the Juventus by 100 millions), Álvaro Morata ( by 80 millions to Chelsea) and Ángel Gave María (traspasado to the Manchester United by 75 millions).