The folders that seemed resolved in the FC Barcelona have 'desmoronado' in question of days with the elimination of the Champions League in hands of the Paris Saint-Germain. Again, they are varied the players that are in the eye of the hurricane and whose future is in the air after the defeat. The cases of Ronald Araújo, Frenkie of Jong and now Joao Cancel, that seemed to have his continuity ensured, go back to be on the table... More open that never.

In the concrete case of the Portuguese, that appeared in the photo of the goal of Ousmane Dembélé and caused the penalti of Kylian Mbappé with which the PSG left was to the Barça of the Champions, there is some annoyance in a sector of the directive. Joan Laporta Has defended him at all times and has aimed, in diverse opportunities, that the club 'will tighten' so that the Manchester City extend his cession by a season more and like this include an option of purchase, the same that in the case of Joao Félix with the Athletic of Madrid.

However, the confidence now would not be so much in the Barça. From 'SPORT' have revealed that his performance against the PSG has woken up the doubts and generates a deep debate, because they consider that it was "irresponsible" and, although they recognise that it is a footballer to the that him leftover talent when it adds to the attack, leaves a lot of doubts to the hour to defend and is used to to take bad decisions with and without balloon. In the dispatches of the club understand that, if it is necessary to do an investment, Cancel would not have to be the elected.

'I wrap' in the Barça by Cancel

The sportive direction works to arrive to an agreement with the entity 'citizen', but there is not a lot advanced. Jorge Mendes, his agent, acts like intermediary so that they fulfil the conditions that has presented the Barça (a cession with, maximum, an option of purchase that was not high), but the City will prioritise to sell if the player accepts the proposals that have arrived, for example, from Saudi Arabia. If there are options to sell, will not doubt in doing it.

In the Barça are conscious that the priority of the side is to remain in the club further of 30 June. It has left it clear at all times, but the directive begins to tighten to go in another entirely different direction, whenever it was necessary to disburse money. It does not have to be a surprise (that the speciality of Cancel was not to defend) because already it had showed it in his previous teams.

Why this 'failing' Cancel?

To beginnings of this season the Barça already had suffered too much with Cancel (right) and Alejandro Balde (left) in the sides, place are two players ultraofensivos that generally take in retreating to defend his band. Therefore, they left 'sold' to the central and of there that the team fit too many goals does some months. With the retouching, by the injury of the player formed in The Masia, the luso has happened to play by the left and have left to Jules Koundé, a much more defensive footballer, in the right. Usually it remains in a more retarded position and supports to the saga so that it do not remain neglected. It has been one of the big 'improvements', but when I Cancel sees forced to put backwards... It suffers.