The situation of Ousmane Dembélé in Paris Saint-Germain, as they inform from France, could be experiencing a significant change of face to the next season. Supposedly, in the Parisian picture exists some disenchantment with the player and this could carry to that the talentoso extreme right finish his adventure in the French group próximamente, after hardly complete his first course in the French capital.

This approach was promoted by Daniel Riolo, commentator of the chain 'RMC Sport', the one who mentioned the presumptive desazón that there is in the combined French due to the fact that Dembélé was not present in the Stade Municipal Saint Symphorien for the meeting of the PSG against the Metz, that marked the closing of the participation of the team in Tie it 1 in this campaign 2023/24. In his place, the 'Dembouz' and Kylian Mbappé decided to go of party to Cannes during the afamado festival that celebrates in this zone.

"From Dortmund, as every year when the PSG falls deleted in the Champions, the season is finish. On the other hand, this year we have a small novelty. When it arrives the last party of league, some players remain was -why no-, but the boys go on holiday. They go it to me to say to me, that Mbappé carries months of rest with the club... In any case, carries weeks and weeks without training. The situation of Mbappé is clear from does time, and have understood it", began saying the commentator, trying, somehow, justify the actions of 'Donatello', the one who already has decided that it will leave at the end of this season.

The reason whereby 'peligraría' the future of Dembélé in the PSG

However, when speaking of Dembélé, Riolo has showed more critical and has posed the possible exit of the player in the next market of summer. "On the other hand, I am preparing me for the exit of Ousmane Dembélé this summer. Luis Enrique no longer wants it. With Mbappé have understood that there is a split, but that Dembélé was of party in Cannes is abnormal. Already it is abnormal for Mbappé, but does months that is desconectado. What more can give a bad image and be the contrary of what would have to be, more will do it. Dembélé, instead, still has agreement, supposes that it remains and finish to arrive. It supposes that it will be next year", aseveró.

In this sense, the commentator has left clear why, although the 'Mosquito' did not appear in the announcement of the Asturian and east gave him the free day to varied of his players crashes for the commitment against 'Them Granats', therefore, having leeway to do what wanted to, the '10' would have to have been there supporting to the team. "The last day of league is not, which is very surprising. Why it is not, not even in the bench? Hardly it has played half hour from Dortmund, why? Be in Cannes when it has lesionado would be still worse, but do not create it. It is more, it is filmed in these videos that all the world has seen. I am preparing Me For the course of Dembélé", concluded.

Luis Enrique 'happened' of all this controversy with Dembélé

Nevertheless, in spite of all the said by Riolo and that it questions seriously the continuity of Ousmane Dembélé in the club, being able to be the second star that leave the PSG in summer, apparently Luis Enrique would have taken the absence of the exjugador of the FC Barcelona in this meeting of way more relaxed. "The six players that rested have total freedom to do what want to, to go to where want to, to rest, for desconectar. If they are in Cannes, Asturias or what was, this does not interest me. It is not a problem", expressed the Asturian trainer in the back press conference to the duel against the Metz, what indicates that perhaps there is not any problem with this.