The future of Mika Faye begins to turn into a 'serial' inside the oificnas of the FC Barcelona. As 'SPORT', the representative of the central, Juanma López, was in the installations of the Port wine to negotiate with his president, André Villas-Boas, the signing of the footballer. While some report ensured that both parts had arrived to an agreement, in Portugal showed 'skeptical' with the operation.

In this sense, near sources to the Portuguese entity, where the ex blaugrana Andoni Zubizarreta is sportive director, sustain that the club will not concretise any incorporation before 30 June. The 'Dragons' are adjusting accounts after the arrival of Villas-Boas to the loge, by what can not allow on no account the outlay of the 15 million euros that would cost, as diverse informations, the opración of the defender.

The same sources aseveran that the visit of Juanma López to Port wine was made with the end to direct the agreement between the Portuguese entity and Mika Faye, for afterwards leave the traspaso pending of the pact between clubs. Nevertheless, the 'handshake' between institutions seems to be increasingly far, since the delicate economic situation of the lusos has forced them to recess his offer.

The figures that handled from does a pair of weeks rondaban the 15 million euros, but Villas-Boas and Zubizarreta would not be by the work to deposit this quantity of money by the Senegalese of 19 years. In Portugal sustain that the quantity that the Port wine would be had to offer would go between five and eight million euros, with the tope maximum, including variable, arriving to the ten 'kilos'.

The Barça no inmuta

In the meantime, in Can Barça keep the calm around the exit of Faye. The culés do not have any haste in giving off of the central, since they do not need to close any sale to square balances. In the City Condal do not want to malvender to a player with a so important projection, and that if it does not go out, will do the pre-season under the orders of Hansi Flick. In case to access to his sale, the Catalans want to ingresar a good sum of money and include an option of repurchase in his agreement.