Kylian Mbappé se convierte en el máximo goleador de la historia del PSG


The soap opera is over: Mbappé clarifies where he will play next season

Published:29/05/2023 - 12:14h

Updated:29/05/2023 - 12:14h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

During the night of this Sunday in Paris, celebrated the gala of the prizes UNFP, that organises the union of professional players. There the Parisian attacker Kylian Mbappé was chosen again like the king of the French football by fourth consecutive season, surpassing to Zlatan Ibrahimovic the one who obtained it thrice. During his speech agreed of his mate, Sergio Rico, that after suffering an accident, finds delicate of health, to the equal that of Luis Fields, sportive director of the PSG with the one who keeps a very near relation.

Also I take advantage of the opportunity to clear any doubt related with his future, when clearing that it finds satisfied with the decision that take to remain in Paris the past season and that is had to fulfil with his agreement that wins in summer of 2024. This year the one of Bondy was fundamental so that Paris Saint-Germain consecrates champion of France, with 28 goals and 6 assistances, forming with Messi a lethal attack for any rival defence.

It moves away of the dream to play in the Real Madrid

After finish the premiación and afterwards to reiterate that it continued in Paris at least during a year more, the journalists took advantage of the opportunity to ask him if it was had to fulfil with that dream that has had from small that is not another that the one to play in the group merengue. Kylian Showed very kind, but went back to leave very in clear that this had to respect his agreement with Them Parisiens.

For the moment, Florentino Pérez and all the fans of the Real Madrid, will have to think in signing crashes for this same summer, as "Donatello" does not have intention to abandon his current club. What yes is clear is that the directors of the group merengue did not leave to try it and will do all the possible for seeing to the champion of the world in Russia 2018, dressed of white sooner that late.