They ensure it from Canaries
It has done the FC Barcelona an offer by the central Mauritius Lemos?
Published:16/05/2016 - 16:21h
Updated:16/05/2016 - 16:21h
As they inform from the Canary Islands, the FC Barcelona would have done an offer by the defender of the UD The Palms Mauritius Lemos. They would be four million euros those that the Barcelona would have had for the contracting of Uruguayan
As it indicates the Canarian Canarian "newspaper7", that usually covers all the actuality of the UD The Palms, the FC Barcelona would have done him arrive to the Canarian team an offer by value of four million euros to do with the young defender Mauritius Lemos. Gone out of the Defender Sporting of Uruguay, the Rubin Kazan was the first in "hunting it" and bring it to Europe in 2015.
However, a bad series of the Russian group left to Lemos in the suplencia and with the poster of transferible. And here it appeared the UD The Palms to bring it during the last market of winter yielded with option of purchase. The good four months that has played the defender charrúa with the Canarians have cost him so that these it fichase of permanent way by two "kilos".
Therefore, it would be the double what the Sportive Union would receive in this movement. But in addition to these four millions that would have offered, also exist a series of economic variables that they could leave in the yellow arks a total of twelve million euros. In spite of this, the president of The Palms, Miguel Ángel Ramírez, considered "totally insufficient" the offer.
The Canarians remit to the current clause of the player of 30 millions that signed an agreement until 2021. With twenty years of age, Lemos is a player of hierarchy and job, very resembled Giménez of the Athletic of Madrid but with better aerial game. Something in what it helps this 1,86 that measures, which does not penalise him to be a fast defender and have a good touch of balloon that helps to go out from backwards of the best of the ways to his.