The sportive director of the Torino, Giorgio Perinetti, has ensured that it will be very difficult that the Italian club achieve to retain this next summer to Matteo Darmian, given the big interest that the side has cimentado in Ariedo Braida and the Barça. "It will be difficult to retain him"

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In statements collected by "Tuttosport", Giorgio Perinetti, sportive director of the Torino, has affirmed that it will be difficult that the Italian club can retain this next summer to one of his best players, the right side Matteo Darmian, because of the interest that the footballer has woken up in the FC Barcelona and, in particular, in the leader of the Technical Commission, Ariedo Braida.

"Have to players like Darmian or Glik is the first step to think in important things, but know that it will be difficult to retain them because there are a lot of clubs that have contacted with them. In particular Darmian, that likes a lot to Braida and therefore, to the Barcelona", has commented. To his 25 years, Darmian made a very good World-wide of Brazil 2014 and shined the past season in the Torino, but finally the past summer decided to remain in his current club in spite of having offers.

Darmian, a side with a lot of qualities

The Italian stands out mainly by his polivalencia, offensive capacity and talent for desbordar in an alike style to the of Square, but less physical and explosive. Has a big far shot and is solvent in defensive tasks, but always has played with three head offices and desconoce how would be his provision acting only with two head offices. It possesses a big talent and achieves to take out centres measured, but in occasions is too cold and does not have too impact in the game.