The FC Barcelona follows 'armouring' the future of the institution. Dani Rodríguez, one of the main 'perlas' of the Masia, has reached an agreement with the club to close his renewal, as they inform in 'SPORT'. After some long and taut conversations, the attacker has decided to ignore the tempting offers that came from Spain and England to follow linked to the Barcelona entity.

The agreement of the extreme of 18 years expired the next 30 June, and teams like Tottenham, Athletic Club or Real Sociedad tried to convince him to join to his rows, but after some months of uncertainty, the Barça has achieved the continuity of the footballer, that will be a member of the filial the next season. The club could activate a unilateral clause to retain him two years more, but the culés did not want to take this road to avoid future problems.

Dani Rodríguez is considered a special talent, a differential footballer in the City Condal. In the UEFA Youth League already registers four goals and three assistances in hardly seven parties, whereas it has contested 12 parties in First Federation to the orders of Rafa Márquez, being headline in the last duel of the regular championship. Likewise, the extreme assisted to the 'Pocho' Román in the 1-1 attained in Johan Cruyff corresponding to the gone of the eliminatory in front of the Córdoba

With it looks it in the European sub-19

Now, with his future like blaugrana entirely resolved, Dani Rodríguez will put course to Northern Ireland to join to the Spanish selection in the European sub-19. It expects that the player have an important paper in the tournament, to the cual will arrive with the tranquility to know culé during the next years.