Everything seemed to indicate that this Tuesday, in the studies of TV3 after the première of the documentary 'The fitxatge', on Johan Cruyff, Joan Laporta went to offer a 'track' on the future of Xavi Hernández that is very 'signalled' by the directive and that it could be destituido like trainer of the FC Barcelona. However, the possibility has remained in 'swim'.

The maximum mandator had foreseen to assist to the round table, after the première of the documentary, but has had to cancel all his commitments of this week by a feverish process, with a lot of cough, that has forced him to take some days 'free' to save rest, according to a recent information of Sportive World.

Laporta Was 'hover' to lose the dispute of the final of the Glass of the Queen, between the FC Barcelona Femení and Real Sociedad (8-0), and the last party of League of the Barcelona in Montjuïc, against the Ray Vallecano (3-0). Apparently, the president does not find in optimum conditions. It was that, precisely, the reason by which postponed the meeting that was foreseen with Xavi Hernández after the crash suspender belt. They will go back to gather after the visit to the Seville, put his priority is to be to 100% to accompany to the feminine team to the final of the Champions League, the Saturday in front of the Lyon, in Saint Mamés.

Joan Laporta will not give explanations, for now

If it assisted to the commitment in TV3, was more than likely that saw 'forced' to speak on the current situation of the trainer egarense. It does not be necessary to overlook that the 'runrunes' on his possible dismissal produced by the absence of Laporta in the party of the Barcelona against the Almería during the past week. It would have remained in Barcelona because it was very 'got angry' by the statements in which Xavi recognised that "the fan culé has to understand that the economic situation does not have at all that see with which there were 25 years backwards. The situation is difficult and complicated. Before the trainer said: I want to fichar to east, east and east... Now it is not like this. We are not in the situation of other clubs with better economic situation. They are not the same conditions of others, that have another fair play or situation. Like the Real Madrid and other European teams".

Asi Then , the tracks and details on the future of the míster will keep until, at least, next Sunday. For the moment, he keeps the posture to be still in the Barça and fulfil his years, basically because up to now anybody has communicated him the contrary. The uncertainty is maximum and the next days can be key so that the managerial analyse the panorama 'whole' to define if there will be or no a new trainer in the next campaign.