Julián Álvarez festejando un gol con el Manchester City


Julián Álvarez has a sale price for this summer

Published:23/07/2024 - 21:48h

Updated:24/07/2024 - 01:07h

FC Barcelona could be seeing its options of having Julián Álvarez for the 25/26 season threatened, since Manchester City has set a starting price for the Argentine. This amount, which may seem accessible if the talent of the 'Spider' is taken into account, could prove to be a 'bargain' for clubs interested in signing him this summer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the sportive direction of the FC Barcelona is not unknown the name of Julián Álvarez. The Argentinian forward of 24 years, at present in the Manchester City, seem to be one of the main options that handles the combined culé to give the hit on the table in the market of incorporations estival of the season 2025/26, possibly like a relief of first level for Robert Lewandowski, whose continuity for the last campaign of his agreement is not clear.

Nevertheless, the things aim to that this possible transfer could be complicated. Several informations from England suggest that the 'Spider' is not satisfied with his paper like revulsivo usual in the picture 'citizen', since the 'killer' star in the cast mancuniano is the Norwegian Erling Haaland. This situates it in a position in which it could be considering a new sportive challenge that allow him be a key player in the eleven headline. Pep Guardiola, by the moment, apparently could not guarantee him this role, what could carry to his exit of the combined 'celestial' during this market estival.

This situation would complicate the plans of the FC Barcelona, that at present has like priority the contracting of Nico Williams to reinforce the left side, in addition to considering the arrival of the polyvalent Dani Elm for robustecer several squares in the offensive front. Therefore, lto demarcation of '9' does not seem to be an urgency in this moment, especially taking into account the investment that would involve to bring to an ariete 'top' as the exjugador of River Plate.

The price of exit that would have put him the City to Julián Álvarez

This is not mere speculation, since as it commented in 'The Athletic', the Manchester City, when seeing the interest of several clubs in one of his big forwards, the one who has agreement until 2028 with the English club, already has stipulated a price of exit for the Argentinian. According to the source quoted previously, the 'Sky Blues' would be requesting 70 M€ fixed more 20 'kilos' in variables, what would elevate the total cost of the operation around 90 M€.

This would be an authentic 'negoción' for the Manchester City, that initially invested around 21 million gross euros for fichar to the of Calchín. Although it is a price of exit 'reasonable' considering the montos astronomical that handle at present in the market of signings for players 'top' as the '9' of the 'Albiceleste', whose present is promising and whose future seems brilliant, especially if it offers him the opportunity to be the central piece in the attack of a team of elite. It is necessary to remember that in spite of not being an indisputable headline in the cast mancuniano, has added 36 annotations and 18 assistances in 103 commitments, figures that surely 'will fatten' if it awarded him the role of artilleryman title.

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