Junior Firpo and Leo Messi in a match between Barça and Real Betis


Junior Firpo apologizes for criticize Leo Messi and approaches to Barça

Published:27/07/2019 - 11:07h

Updated:4/08/2019 - 14:29h

Junior Firpo is under the radar of FC Barcelona, and some have criticised him for several comments against Leo Messi published in the social networks long time ago. The youngster has apologised and has let himself be loved by the azulgranas

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona is still thinking in several reinforcements for his staff, and the priority is a left side. In the last months has spoken of several alternatives for Jordi Alba, and recently the list has reduced and is headed by the carrilero of the Real Betis, Junior Firpo. The youngster has confessed in an interview for 'Sportive World', and has spoken on the interest of the Catalan group.

The Hispanic-dominican has very clear that his priority are his obligations like verdiblanco, but does not hide the illusion that produces him see related with the big: "it Is a flatter and a pride that link you with important clubs as it is the Barcelona. But I am centred in the Betis because it is my club and besides have him an enormous gratitude because it has given it to me everything. What can not deny is that it is an honour and a pride that associate me with the Barcelona, that is a big club and has an equipazo. I now am to tope in the Betis and what have to happen, will happen".

"I am in a big club and in a big team and this has helped me a lot. The past season did an irregular campaign but had big victories in the League, were near to arrive to the final of Glass and play in European competition. To me it went me well and therefore this has helped me. But I insist, I am centred in the Betis because precisely this is what has done me arrive until here", has explained, before confirming that it feels comfortable in a group with an offensive style like the one of the Barcelona..

"Definitely that have trainers that want to have the balloon, as now Rubi and before Setién, is something that influences in a player because it accustoms to assume risks. In our case, similar to what does the Barça, have played wanting to have the balloon, presionando to the rival and the defences, leaving a lot of metres to the back. And I have felt me comfortable with this style of game. It likes me attack and does not give me fear have to run to backwards if it touches to do it", has declared, leaving fall that it could fit in the Camp Nou.

In addition to speaking on his own perspectives, Firpo has praised to Jordi Alba, with which could coexist from the next season. The one of Saint Sunday has explained that it would like him compete against him and has specified that would learn a lot if it touched him share changing room with the Catalan: "Claro, for me Jordi is the best left side of the world, a jugadorazo able to defend and to attack also with a lot of danger. If some day play with him, apart from competing with him sure that learn a lot to his side".

Firpo Excuses with Messi and surrenders to his feet

Junior Firpo has taken advantage of this same conversation to clear a wrap with Leo Messi, to the that has left clear that admires. Long backwards, the defence atizó to the Argentinian and abused him in the social networks, something that today has wanted to justify: "it Is something that does not have importance and that I can explain without problem. It results that my best fellow of then was of the Barça and therefore also was fanatical of Messi because I Read is the best without discussion. And I to hammer him said him ugly things of Messi by Twitter. This is everything, things of boys".

"Also of that period has gone out some tuit mine in that it said some burrada of Julia, that then was my girlfriend and that now is my woman and the mother of my daughter. They are things that do with 15 years when it does not know you anybody and when you can not think that this go to have a repercussion years afterwards, because when you put it neither imagine you that you go to arrive to professional. But also I say that if by those tuits somebody has felt offended and have to ask pardon and excuse me, do it humbly and without problems", has underlined.

"It is the best of the world with difference, of this there is not doubt. I always say it when it speaks of the Balloon of Gold, of entrance already had to it to him give to Messi and afterwards create a prize for the rest of mortal and to see who deserves it to him more", has insisted, before confessing that it suffered with his last exhibition in Benito Villamarín and that no him odd that received the applauses of the fans heliopolitana: "The fans of the Betis knows a lot of football. And this year, Messi has to go back to win the Balloon of Gold. It was 'pichichi' of the League, Boot of Gold and maximum goleador of the Champions. Who has done more than him?".