It approaches the summer and, therefore, in the City Condal already begins to especular on the possible incorporations that will make the FC Barcelona to strengthen his staff of face to the campaign 2024-25. In the middle of this wave of informations, recently has arisen the name of the ariete Uruguayan of the Liverpool, Darwin Núñez, the one who, in the middle of the speculations on a presumptive 'break' of his relation with the combined 'Network', was seen in Barcelona, where took advantage of to visit to one of his big friends, the defender Ronald Araújo. Because of this combination of events, does not surprise that the name of the charrúa have begun to link with the club culé.

In this sense, the main argument of the combined Barcelona to purchase it would root in the need to reinforce this summer in front of a possible exit of Robert Lewandowski during this market estival. However, they begin to arise factors that complicate this possible arrival of the exjugador of the SL Benfica to the group of the City Condal, being one of them the economic section. Recently, it has informed that the ones of Anfield would have valued to his second maximum goleador in what it goes of the season 2023-24 (with 18 so many, only seven by behind Mohamed Salah) in around 85 M€, a figure truly inalcanzable for the Barça.

Jürgen Klopp 'wetted' on the future of Darwin Núñez in the Liverpool

Apart from the economic, Jürgen Klopp has been the attendant to give a new nuance to this operation when offering a statement in which it suggests that, at least by the moment, the Uruguayan does not be up for sale. The afamado German trainer, the one who will leave to direct to the Liverpool after this season because of the need to take a sabbatical period of rest, left clear in a previous testimony to the commitment between his team and the Aston Villa that the combined English is not considering the exit of the charrúa in the summer. "No especula with his future. This has to be external speculation because I do not know at all of this", limited.

Besides, 'The Normal One' took advantage of to defend to his player in reply to the fierce critical that has received for failing a clear opportunity of goal against the Tottenham in the past day of the Premier League. This incident also carried to that Núñez erased all the photos that had in his Instagram with the T-shirt of the Liverpool and went practically the origin of all this wave of rumours. Klopp aseveró: "Yes, Darwin was not happy for having failed this occasion. It has had bad luck in a lot of occasions, because it is doing it all well, but the ball does not go in and this, for a so young person, is very hard. It knows the expectations that there is on him and is hard".

To conclude, Klopp also signalled that the current situation that is experiencing Darwin in the Liverpool is something normal for a player of his quality. "There is not another alternative that go through this and is what is doing. It is part of the career of a footballer. His problem is that it is so good that is constantly in this position. If it was not so good, would not have so many opportunities. It is so good that is in these moments for mark, but now is not marking", sentenced.