Matthijs Of Ligt is one of the defenders with more projection of Europe. With 22 years, arrived to the Juventus in 2019 pertinent of the Ajax of Ámsterdam in return of 85.5 million euros, and outlined to be the central of the future for the 'bianconeri'. However, it seems that his stay in Turín could not being ensured, what has begun to generate some uncertainty in the breast of the Italian institution.
Like this they have affirmed it several media of this country, ensuring that the 'Vecchia Signora' wants to have clarity on the continuity of his star. The Dutch has been in the 'look' of several clubs of Europe, like the Bayern Munich, Manchester United and FC Barcelona. Precisely the Catalans would be one of the most interested in a movement by the defender, although his high cost would complicate a lot the operation.
It is thus that the Juve, as to desvelado 'The Gazzetta dello Sport', has done him a 'ultimatum' to the footballer, demanding him expand his agreement or that leave in the next market of summer. This as 'measured of security', since the bond that joins them expires in 2024 and would want to avoid at all costs that it go out free, what would leave enormous losses because of the big investment so much in his traspaso as in his wage, that oscillates the 8 millions by season.
Commitment with the Juventus
Of Ligt is the better player remunerado of all the staff of Massimiliano Allegri, in addition to contemplating a clause of rescission of 125 millions. Although his agent has commissioned of colarle in the 'orbit' of several teams, the true is that the own player has commissioned to show his commitment with the elastic piamontés in reiterated occasions. "What said Raiola happened three months ago, so a lot of things can change. I am centred in this season. I enjoy a lot in the Juventus. Each week learn more and this likes me a lot", aimed the Dutch in front of the microphones.
For the moment, his future seems to be in Italy, although the next window of traspasos will be marked by important movements, like the exit of Kylian Mbappé of the PSG, the possible signing of Erling Haaland and the game of Robert Lewandowski of the Bayern Munich, by what anything is possible.