joshua kimmich v ucrania


Kimmich puts pressure on Bayern to sell him this summer to one of the 5 clubs that attract him

Published:26/06/2024 - 09:53h

Updated:27/06/2024 - 04:35h

Joshua Kimmich seems to have finished his stage in the Bayern of Munich, or at least like this considers it to few days to go in in his last year of agreement with the German team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To his 29 years of age, Joshua Kimmich seems prepared to play out of Germany for the first time in his career to level of clubs. The mediocampista, and also lateral right, could leave the Bayern of Munich this summer if it finishes arriving a suitable offer for the Bavarian group afterwards that any of the two parts seems to have between his plans a renewal of an agreement that finishes in 2025.

Like this it has detailed it once again the journalist of 'Sky', Florian Plettenberg, explaining that the exit of Munich of the futurible of the FC Barcelona is increasingly near. Although it still is not of the all clear if really it will give now or next year, himself that is very clear-cut that Kimmich will not renew by the conjoint Teutonic and will change of airs in any of the two next two markets of summer, with the player trying do all the possible so that all define in this 2024.

Kimmich Is decided to leave Munich and arrive to a 'big' of LaLiga or the Premier

The information equally aims that the footballer germano would be smart to face the last year of his agreement with the Bayern if necessary, taking into account that the Bavarian group could finish not accepting the offers to the drop that will be those that surely will have on the table in the next two months. But with a Kimmich that keeps his posture of only want to join to the Barça, in addition to Manchester City, Liverpool, Arsenal or Real Madrid, his idea is that it can finish closing all this summer.

Once that any of the five 'big' mentioned in the list can arrive to an agreement with the player, that is looking for an agreement in which it can keep his index card of 10 million net euros by season, will know if his change of airs will be this same year, or the negotiations already will remain for the following course. It is clear that the Barça is not in a too strong position regarding the economic, by what offer an agreement of 3 or 4 years with a so high wage, more the payment of a signing of some 40 millions, right now seems little likely.

The margin for the Barça can go growing with the step of the weeks

The good news for the culés is that the player follows had to expect by the Barcelona group when going in in the plans of the Bayern. In a situation in which all aims to an exit, the Catalan club will have a lot to his favour to try look for a formula that can convince to all the parts, especially if the City or the Madrid, the main competitors, do not finish moving index card in the short term.

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