Kylian Mbappé in a match with Paris Saint-Germain


Kylian Mbappé 'Get angry' to the fans of the Madrid confirming that would like to play in Milan

Published:29/05/2024 - 10:54h

Updated:29/05/2024 - 10:54h

Kylian Mbappé Is centred in his next big step, with the Real Madrid like destination more likely. However, the French forward did some comments on his love by the AC Milan that lit the enojo of the fans madridistas

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They are missing few days for the start of the Eurocopa 2024, and all the looks are put in the future of Kylian Mbappé. The French star, that has been a key piece in the selection of France, finds in the centre of attention of the market of signings. It expects that in the next days reveal his next destination, and the Real Madrid seems to be the club with more probabilities to do with his services.

However, Mbappé has left clear that his passion by the football does not limit to an alone club. In some statements for 'Sky Sports' in the gala of the Globe Soccer Awards, the forward confessed his love by the AC Milan. "If some day play in Italy, would be in the Milan. When it was boy, was inflate of the AC Milan and always saw the Series To and all the parties of the Milan. All my family is inflate of the Milan", declared.

These words have generated a big stir between the followers of the Italian club, those who dream with seeing it dressing the colours rossoneri in the future. Likewise, these statements generated some unrest in the fans of the Madrid, that questioned his commitment with the institution. Although there is not at all confirmed on his future, some followers merengues felt restless by his comments.

All the ways drive to Madrid

In spite of his affection by the Italian group, the one of Bondy is focused in his next big step, and all the ways drive to the Spanish capital. The ariete looks for new challenges and the opportunity to play in one of the most prestigious clubs of the world. Now well, all will be attentive to each movement, expecting with anxieties the official announcement that will define the next chapter in the path of one of the best players of the world.

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