Julián Álvarez partido2


Laporta thinks of the signing of Julián Álvarez as a 'bombshell' for the Barça elections in 2026

Published:26/06/2024 - 11:46h

Updated:27/06/2024 - 04:32h

Julián Álvarez could end up being that footballer who once again excites Barcelona fans for the future. The Argentine forward is already established in the elite and his departure from Manchester City is a possibility that Joan Laporta is thinking about

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Julián Álvarez is a clear aim of Joan Laporta for his project, already was from the summer of 2025 or even in the own 2026, year in which it will finish his current stage at the head of the FC Barcelona. Although the Barcelona president is very conscious of the far that it finds right now the Barça to be able to bid by his signing, the Catalan thinks that all could change in the following months and sees to the Argentinian like a possible 'bombazo' in electoral key.

Like this it informs it 'Sport', signalling that further of the known economic power of the Manchester City and to the 'crisis' that still follows crossing the Catalan club in his arks, the sportive commission seems to have clear that is not an impossible operation if it takes into account the problems of mass salarial and 'fair play' of the City. Besides, it exists also the factor of the presence of Erling Haaland in the entity mancuniana, something that removes him a lot of leadership to Julián Álvarez that it could look for an exit the following year if all continue as it has gone in the last two courses.

A profile that in the Barça could take advantage of a lot of

Imagining for one moment that already Robert Lewandowski is not in the horizon of the Barça, the Argentinian would seem an ideal player to complement to players like Lamine Yamal, Pedri or Gavi thinking in the long term. It adds also the point that the Argentinian can act very well so much inside as by out, being a fast player, powerful and with this smell goleador that all '9' needs to play in the Barça.

The information equally aims that Laporta follow wanting to give this hit of market that carries thinking in this since it returned to the presidency, but that could not fulfil, neither with the renewal of Leo Messi neither with a signing of the level of Haaland or Mbappé, by the above-mentioned problems. It is thus that the president culé, that foreseen present to the reelection when it arrive the moment, wanted to have closed to an important footballer like Julián when it was the moment indicated.

A negotiation that will not be simple for the Barça, but neither impossible

It is clear that the forward of the City likes a lot to the sportive managers of the Barça and are convinced that it would fit very well in the current project. With agreement until 2028, the Barça knows that it would have to negotiate by a footballer that already brushes the 100 million euros of value of market, although already with some economic fortress for this moment, knowing even that they could finish moving index card also by a Haaland that seems decidio to go out of England in a pair of years.

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