Lautaro Martínez makes it clear where he wants to play next season
Published:2/06/2022 - 21:26h
Updated:2/06/2022 - 21:26h
Lautaro Martínez has felt comfortable at Inter Milan and would have no plans to change scenery in the next summer market. Happy for the victory against Italy, he maintains that Argentina still needs to improve with a view to Qatar 2022
The name of Lautaro Martínez has sounded like one of the possible movements of the next market of signings, with beaux like the FC Barcelona after his services. However, the intention of the Argentinian would be after having lived a good season in the section goleador in spite of some 'potholes' along the course.
The attacker comes to consecrate with his selection in the 'Finalissima' in front of the combined Italian, that finished fitting a goleada (3-0). Now, in the middle of the extensive stop that will suffer the European leagues until the start of the pre-season, Lautaro keeps focused in working in depth to improve his registers of face to the rival goal.
In accordance with his statements after the party in front of the 'squadra azzurra', the Argentinian has manifested his wish to continue in the Italian football, what descartaría some of the rumours that have spread during the last seasons: "Yes, it would love me remain me". With the 'nerazzurri' Lautaro marked a total of 25 goals and gave four assistances in the season 2021-22.
Nevertheless, it has warned that until the moment neither the directive neither the trainer have notified him if they have he or no for the following course. Even it has expressed that it would not matter him be still in Milan annotating few goals: "For now they have not said me at all, it would like me remain me in the Inter, marking so alone 3 goals from finals of December until mediated of April".
Lautaro already dreams with the World-wide
After imposing of conclusive way in front of the champion of the past edition of the Eurocopa, Lautaro has showed optimistic of face to the next Glass of the World. Although it recognises that the team of Scaloni still has to do some adjust: "we Have to be conscious. They are missing a pair of months and have to follow correcting a pile of things".