The possible union between Xavi Simons and the FC Barcelona seems to be an idea valorable so much for the combined Catalan, that would be adding to a player of first able level to exert like left extreme or offensive midfield player, as for the own Dutch, the one who would return to a square where formed like canterano, but did not have the opportunity to debut in the first team. Nevertheless, this agreement is going back increasingly complicated to concretise.

The big problem that confronts this negotiation is to convince to Paris Saint-Germain to leave split to the exjugador of the PSV to the club of the City Condal. Recently, it has known that the PSG is not had to sell to the player, but it could consider yield it to another team. This could be positive for the Catalan picture, since would have more options to do with the services of the Dutch through a loan. Besides, this earns special transcendence if it takes in account that Simons would have some control on his destination, being able to choose between following dressing the elastic of the French square or go back to be yielded to another club, and the Parisians would respect his decision.

The Leipzig follows tightening to retell with Xavi Simons for the next season

However, in this transaction, there is an important detail to consider. Although the FC Barcelona seem to split with advantage in case that the combined of the French capital decide to loan it again, because of the presumptive preferences of the Dutch, can not descartar to a group that is showing big interest in doing of the services of the canterano culé: the RB Leipzig. In fact, the journalist Fabrizio Romano signalled recently that the 'Red Bulls' are doing efforts to retain to Xavi Simons by a campaign more.

It is necessary to remember that the talentoso player was a fundamental piece in the picture directed by Marco Rose this course 2023-24, having registered 10 annotations (third elder goleador of the Leipzig) and 15 passes to goal (leader of the team) in 43 meetings contested. Therefore, it would not be surprising that the Germans wanted to explain again with him in his sportive project for the next season, especially considering that the cast lipsiense already has attained to classify for the UEFA Champions League 2024/25.

Besides, there is another notable detail: if they attain to convince to Simons to remain in the Leipzig, is likely that the negotiations flow with ease, since already there was an agreement of loan between both clubs in the past. Added to this, as it has been able to know, both institutions keep an excellent relation, by what would not be descabellado that, if the 'Red Bulls' attain to persuade to the Dutch to change of opinion and not to join to the FC Barcelona, the player decide to continue in Germany by another season.