Leo Messi and Neymar in an act of FC Barcelona


Leo Messi confirms that Neymar wants to return to FC Barcelona

Published:12/09/2019 - 10:32h

Updated:12/09/2019 - 11:28h

Neymar has been one of the big names of the summer 2019, and the battle between FC Barcelona and PSG could return in 2020. Leo Messi confirmed in an interview that the brazilian wants to go back to the Camp Nou

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The market of signings of the summer 2019 has defined the future of several stars, and one of which has remained in the air is Neymar. The ex of the Saints will continue at least a year in the PSG after several weeks of negotiations, in which the FC Barcelona treated without success to go back to dress him of Barcelona. Although the attacker no 'wetted' not to begin another war in his still club, one of his best friends has confirmed his wishes.

In an interview for the newspaper 'Sport', Leo Messi has revealed that has many win to gather with the one of Sao Paulo, and that the feeling is mutual: "it had loved Me that it came Neymar. I understand to the people that was against, by all what had happened, by how went and how left us. It is normal and logical that there are a lot of people that do not want to that it go back, but thinking it to sportive level, for me Neymar is one of the best of the world and our team had increased the possibility to achieve the results that all want to. As something sportive, had loved me that it went back".

The one of Rosario has not wanted to 'wet' on the will of the directive to do with his services, but has left clear the posture of the Brazilian: "I do not know, sincerely I do not know it if it did all the possible. It did not have a lot of information of how went the negotiations as to say if it did all the possible the Barcelona. I do not know what happened inside the directive. I know what spoke with Ney, what explained me he of how went the things. Had many win to come. I do not know if the club really wanted to or no. As far as I know, Ney had many win".

"Also I understand that it is very difficult to negotiate with the PSG after all the gone and turn that has with the Barcelona. And it is difficult for treating of Ney, that is one of the best. Never they are easy these negotiations. I can not think, but I do not know everything with certainty. I know a lot by what went out published and what went saying. At the end no everything is very clear", has commented, without valuing directly the theories that affirm that the movements of the club made to satisfy him, although already it knew that the operation return was impossible.

Messi has admitted that followed with interest the case Neymar, and has explained that they have not gone back to speak on the subject. Besides, it has puntualizado that it did not consider in any moment that was fact, because it did not have clear what sucedería: "we do not speak more after it finished all the novel. Me lesioné and he began to play. What himself knew until then, is that he was very ilusionado in going out and for coming to the Barcelona. They arrived to think so many things that... Each day went out different things and never knew the true reality of the business".

"No, I am not disappointed. It had liked me that it came and that was with us, but have a spectacular staff to opt to everything without him also. Disappointed, no. Simply, it had liked me go back to play with him. At all more", it has concretised, before revealing one of the questions that worse carries of the negotiations, so much regarding this situation as to the rest of aims of the Barça.

Messi warns that the players do not decide the signings

The Argentinian has warned that the players do not ask, impose or veto the signings, although it has recognised that yes they think: "they say so many things... We do not ask the signing. Obviously, we comment when we listened that Ney could come, gave our opinions on if it was well or no that it came. Never we said that it was necessary ficharlo. We did not impose at all. We gave our opinion of the same way that happened with Griezmann or of other players that have come and others that have not arrived to come".

With regard to this subject, Leo has denied to those that say that he is the one who orders and commands inside the Barça, and has recalcado that his functions are very distinct, since only it centres in all what sucede inside the terrains of game: "Obvious that no control. I am a player more. The only that I want to is to win and follow winning titles. And go back to win another Champions because I want to achieve it. And contribute the best to the changing room of what better do, that is to play to the football".

"Already I am accustomed to that they say that I control. It is not the first time that listen this also. I am more than accustomed that they say these things. It remained more than showed that it is not like this. Also it happens me with the selection. They say that I put the players or the technicians or that does it my dad. It is something normal that happens me. I do not give him more importance. I know which is the reality, my function and do not go in to value these things", has resolved without giving more detours.

Finally, it has thought on the concrete case of Antoine Griezmann, to the one who said that the staff had vetoed after his controversial sapling the past year and to the one who still does not know: "Very poquito, the truth is that very poquito because since I arrived am lesionado, train to the margin. I do not train a lot with the group. They went of turn and when they went back I shared very poquito in the changing room. But in the trainings am not. Already we will have opportunity to share a lot of things".