The FC Barcelona has lost to one of his more promising players of The Masia, since the Bayer Leverkusen has confirmed the incorporation of the young defender of 16 years, Andrea Natali. The 'Die Werkself' finally did with the services of the native of Milan, the one who was next to finish his agreement with the picture culé on 30 June. The Germans, ensured his permanence during the next three seasons (until 2027).

Unfortunately, for the combined Barcelona, as they explain in 'Sportive World', the offer of the current champion of the Bundesliga to purchase to the defender was the sufficiently attractive as to convince to the footballer and to his family to change of airs and refuse the proposal of renewal presented by the Catalan group. This puts an end to a stay of three years in the inferior categories of the Barcelonan cast in which it went through the Basic Football, Cadet To, Juvenile B and the Juvenile To.

"Andrea Natali has been a very interesting player and very codiciado this summer like champion of Europe sub-17 of Italy. Therefore we gladden us a lot of that it have decided by the Bayer 04. On a long-term basis, it gathers all the requirements to turn into a key factor for our Werkself in the future", commented the sportive director of the Leverkusen, Simon Rolfes, once concretised the incorporation of the defender.

The plan of the Bayer Leverkusen with Andrea Natali

Now, as they expose in 'SPORT', the defender will make the pre-season 2024/25 with the Bayer in the first team under the orders of Xabi Alonso. From here, and depending of the performance that show, the club will go defining the steps to be followed with this young promise, being the most likely option that incorporate to the second team of the Leverkusen, the one who will contest the UEFA Youth League and that will allow him finish of foguearse and improve his repertoire of tools in which it already stands out his physical power, quality in the pass and ease to give him good exit of balloon to the team from the background line.