The announcement made by Xavi Hernández the past 27 January, in which it left clear his wish of desvincularse of his charge like trainer of the FC Barcelona the next 30 June, has motivated to that the sportive direction of the Barcelona picture put hands to the work in the research of the that will be the attendant to manage the new sportive project of the group culé for the next campaigns. Under this premise, have been varied the names that have gone out to float like strong candidates to assume this work.

One of the options that has given to know in the last days has been the one of Luis Enrique, an old known of the house, the one who already managed to the Barcelonan square along three seasons, adding a total of 181 parties (138 victories, 22 ties and 21 defeats) and accumulating nine titles, including between them the last 'Orejona' that heaved the combined Catalan (2015). With these parchments, aunado to his dilated experience to level of clubs (Rome, Celtic of Vigo and the PSG) and in national selections after his pasantía with 'The Red' (44 meetings), do it a candidate more than apetecible for the sportive direction of the Barça.

Luis Enrique would be the better alternative valued by Deco

Even, as it gave to know in the program 'Carousel Canalla' of the 'Chain Be', the Asturian trainer would be the candidate predilecto of Deco, sportive director of the Catalan square, to turn into the technical director of the FC Barcelona from 1 July. Nevertheless, it recognises the difficulty to carry to good port this operation: "In an ideal world, the favourite trainer of Deco is Luis Enrique. The one who more likes is the Asturian technician, another thing is that it can fichar or no because has agreement with the PSG", commented the journalist Sique Rodríguez.

The fact that 'Struggle' was at present like agent of the combined Parisian, institution with which has agreement until 2025, could complicate the interest of the group blaugrana. However, the Catalan club could be seeing increased his options to hire to the Asturian, since as it exposed in 'The Sanedrín', the actuality of Luis Enrique in France comes surrounded of some tension by the attitude that has taken the native of Gijón to Kylian Mbappé afterwards to confirm the goodbye of the French star in the next market veraniego. In front of the wave of derivative criticisms by this posture that adopted the exseleccionador, could see precipitated his course of the picture of the French capital.

Nevertheless, given the stage in which the Asturian broke his contractual links with Paris Saint-Germain, still would be necessary to value his position in front of the idea to join to the FC Barcelona, square of which went out in 2017 accusing the wear that involves to be trainer of a club 'top' as the Barça. Equally, would have to analyse if the club is in conditions to economic level to tackle the incorporation of a preparador of the 'weight' of Luis Enrique to the staff, remembering the complex situation to financial level that crosses the Barcelonan picture.