Cristiano Ronaldo and Florentino Pérez in a delivery of prizes


Mijatovic Signals to the big culprit of the course of Christian of the Real Madrid

Published:29/07/2018 - 18:04h

Updated:30/07/2018 - 00:29h

It does already some weeks that is official, but to the capital follow arriving assessments on the fly of Cristiano Ronaldo of the Real Madrid. Pedja Mijatovic, that happened in several stages by the club, has signalled to the big culprit that the luso did the cases

Calendar of FC Barcelona

They happen the days and every time is more near the debut of Cristiano Ronaldo with the Juventus, but in the Real Madrid continues the environment enrarecido by the course of his big referent in the last years. At the same time that it assumes that the Portuguese has closed a cycle, continue looking for explanations to his recent change of airs, and are not few those that have heaved the voice to give his opinion.

The last has been an ex of the white group that lived a stage like player and another like sportive director, Pedja Mijatovic, that has explained in an interview in 'To Ball' that does not think that the one of Madeira left carry by a calentón: "I do not think that it have treated of a decision little meditada. It was certainly the end of a process that came behind, that was maturing over time and that finish with this denouement".

Although the montenegrino has not launched a direct indictment, yes has left to fall the one who could be the big culprit of his exit, revealing that of doors inwards there were some stormy relations in the club. "Maybe the reason was in the a bit odd relations between Cristiano and Florentino Pérez, do not know exactly what sucedió between them, but, from out, seems that there are not doubts that there was serious problems and that both kept a difficult relation", has justified.

This thought is not exclusive of Mijatovic, because they have repeated it some near figures to the high spheres 'merengues'. Ramón Calderón, ex president madridista, signalled also that Florentino never accepted that the '7' was a his signing, and was or no true is version, is clear that is not the only that thinks that something failed in the relation between the leader and the crack.

Cristiano proposed his signing to the Juventus

That there was some brush in the changing room of the Real Madrid is a fact that remains patent seen the movements of the last months, in which two leaders like Zinedine Zidane and Cristiano Ronaldo have opted for putting an end to his career in Santiago Bernabéu. As it left clear when confirming his traspaso, the Portuguese was the one who asked to go out, and the process of his signing by the Juventus would have begun months backwards.

The sportive director 'bianconeri', Fabio Paratici, confirmed does weeks that the forward, through his agents, proposed to the 'vecchia signora' begin a together adventure, a subject that went developing to measure that advanced the season and that arrived to a definite agreement with the arrival of the market veraniego. The split still is giving that speak.