Mohammed Kudus has turned into one of the most striking talents of the Premier League. It has turned into one of the pillars of the West Ham after they paid 43 million euros to do with his services from the Ajax. The ghanés is called to mark the difference and is not surprise that have called the attention of several important clubs of Europe, the FC included Barcelona.

And it is that, before mudarse to London, informed that the Barcelona had done a proposal for his traspaso in shape of loan by a season and an option of compulsory purchase. It was not an attractive alternative for the Dutch picture, that preferred to sell him to the West Ham in one of his best 'businesses' of the last years. The culés finish desisting, in spite of the rumours that they went to go back to try it this year.

'Wink' of Kudus to the Barça

Now it does not split like a priority and are varied the names that are very by in front of him in the diary of the sportive direction of the Barça. However, the player has left a 'wink' recently to the Barcelona entity on his preference in the club since it was small, when it fixed especially of Lionel Messi.

It has confessed that saw the parties of the Catalan picture in Ghana. Although it did not have to the Barça like favourite team, and decanted by "a local club of my country", to the hour to be questioned for the second time in case it saw the European football when it was small, left clear that "yes, the Barça. By Messi, the easy".

Kudus, 'star' of the Premier

The true is that the player has stood out in this season with the West Ham and the feelings are more than positive. And it is that, in the 38 parties that has contested to date, has participated in in 16 goals for his team: 12 it has marked them he and has provided four assistances. This yes, his value of market has gone upward and already situates in the 50 million euros. For the Barça results an authentic utopia.