If it does some days informed of the interest of the Bayern of Munich in doing with the services of Amadou Onana during this summer, now has added Paris Saint-Germain that would have the intention of 'touch' the door of the Everton for fichar to the mediocentro Belgian. The FC Barcelona keeps him in his diary, but sor available price, that rises to the 60 million euros, turns him into an aim more than complicated.

The culés carry some time after the steps of the international with Belgium. Deco Souza, sportive director, considers him like a big alternative to reinforce the centre of the field and kept meetings with the group of Merseyside to transmit the interest of the culés. The 'problem' is that, in this moment, informed that only they could pay 40 millions, 20 less than which asked and will ask during this summer. The Barça, by Fair Play financial, has very complicated to tackle the operation.

The PSG thinks in Amadou Onana

And, in the meantime, they will follow adding teams to the 'bidding'. Footmercado Has informed in the last hours that Luis Fields, sportive adviser of the PSG, and company are very pending of the performance of Onana, the one who is being indisputable with Belgium in the Eurocopa. They are slopes to define if they will be able to sell to Manuel Ugarte, the one who has been linked with a movement to the Manchester United after a season in which it went of more to less with the PSG.

To Luis Enrique did not like him the profile of the Uruguayan midfield player and finished 'converting' to Vitinha in a species of mediocentro. It finish 'seating' to Ugarte and was one of the most regular players of the season in France. Everything seems to indicate to that will follow with the same role during the 2024/2025, but if fichan to Amadou Onana would have an extra alternative in nónima.

The Barça does not know if it will be able to 'bet' by Onana

It is one very bad news for a Barça that still has to fix his accounts before thinking in the possible movements in the market. To fault of two days so that it finish the exercise 23/24, still there are not news of the resale of Barça Vision. It is the big priority for a Barcelona group that will have to resolve his economic problems before touching the door of the footballers that interest... And they risk to lose to varied, as it is the case of Onana in front of the interest of Bayern and PSG.