Nacho Fernádnez en el duelo entre el Real Madrid y el Real Betis en LaLiga EA Sports


Nacho Fernández, one step away from officially leaving Real Madrid

Published:14/06/2024 - 09:49h

Updated:14/06/2024 - 09:49h

As it informs Fabrizio Romano, Nacho Fernández is near to join to To the Ittihad. The defender always left clear that was not interested in accepting proposals of European clubs by love to the Real Madrid

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The defender of the Real Madrid, Nacho Fernández, is very near to join to To the Ittihad like free agent, according to recent reports of Fabrizio Romano. Since it took the decision to leave the club in April, Nacho has left clear that was not interested in considering offers of other European clubss. His preference in Europe always has been and will be the Spanish group, refusing any another formal approach.

The news on the possible traspaso of Nacho to To the Ittihad has generated big interest in the world of the football. Romano informed that the negotiations are advanced, although it still has not closed the agreement. The Madrid has been expecting the final communication of the canterano on his future from May, anticipating his exit. In case to confirm , Leny Yoro outlines like the main candidate to replace it in the team merengue.

The end of an era in Madrid

The interest of To the Ittihad in Nacho is not casual. The Saudi club is had to offer him an attractive agreement, what has been an important factor in his decision to consider seriously the offer. Besides, the politics of the club, that bets by fichar players experienced and with international prestige, has been key to attract to the Spanish defender. His exit would mark the end of an era for the defender in Santiago Bernabéu, where has been a fundamental piece so much inside as out of the field.

With the official announcement expected in the next days, the fans of the white club are slopes of the confirmation of this significant traspaso. The potential incorporation of Nacho stands out the increasing influence of the Saudi clubs in the global market, showing his capacity to attract to players of high level with economic and sportive offers attractive.

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