The situation of Clément Lenglet begins to turn into one of the 'serials' of the summer for the FC Barcelona. The French defender is the main candidate to abandon the City Condal during the window estival because of the 'overbooking' of the team in the centre of the saga, and from the offices blaugranas already move index card to accelerate the exit of the footballer.

However, the defender is not giving eases in the operation. The player of 29 years will go back to be officially player of the Catalan entity the next 1 July after expiring his cession of a campaign to the Aston Villa, since the ones of Birmingham have not showed interest in executing the option of purchase pactada in the agreement of the loan.

Hansi Flick Does not have the footballer in the plans of his new project like Barcelona trainer and the Barça already looks for him an exit. In this sense, the To the-Ittihad of Karim Benzema, whose sportive director is Ramon Plans, ex director culé, interested in doing with his services, but the footballer refused the offer received from Saudi Arabia, as it informs 'Sportive World'.

The aim of Lenglet is to follow playing to the football in Europe, preferably in a club of some prestige. It does some days, the newspaper 'SPORT' ensured that the defender handles the interest of the West Ham, Borussia Dortmund and a Spanish team that it could be the Seville, but the main escollo is that any of these clubs can assume his index card, and some neither the half ofthe same .

Lenglet Will earn a millonada

And it is that the wage of Lenglet does not represent a problem for the groups that would want to incorporate him, but also for the same Barça. The Aston Villa assumed 75% of his emolumentos during his periplo in the Premier, but now is stipulated that the player perceive a figure of 16 million euros during the next season when having expanded his bond until 2026 with the wage differed by the pandemia. An enormous 'headache' for the entity culé, that follows looking for give off of his index card to balance accounts.