As it informs this Friday 'L' Équipe', FC Barcelona began the negotiations with the right side of the Rennes, Hamari Traoré. From France the information aims that the French club would be opened to traspasar to the footballer of 30 years in search do box before it close the summer.

Traoré Was one of the right sides more stood out of the past Tie 1 and would be an option recommended by Jordi Cruyff, the new sportive director culé. The captain of the club Frenchman finishes agreement in June of 2023 and would be a much more economic option that Juan Foyth of the Villarreal, that has a clause of 42 million euros.

The Argentinian side keeps on being the big aim of the Barça, but the Barcelona club is not had to pay this quantity by his traspaso. Besides, it would need obligatoriamente some exit to be able to face the arrival of the sides that wants to Xavi, after descartar to Sergiño Dest for his new project.

For the right band the Barcelona club also has the possibility of Bellerín. The player of the Arsenal would arrive to cost zero desd England and the Barça only would have to face the index card of the footballer. The Barça also works in the incorporation of a left side that can compete him the titularity to Jordi Alba.

Options of the another side

The best positioned keeps on being Marcos Alonso, that trains in solitary in Chelsea waiting for receiving good news. In the last hours also has gone back to win strength the lateral option of the Celtic Javi Galán, a much more offensive profile that Alonso. The player extremeño likes to Xavi by his profile in the attack, since they look for in lazona right a right side of profile more defensive by the right that in the left.