The situation between Kylian Mbappé and Paris Saint-Germain seems that it will go in in a dynamics complicated of face to the market of summer. Although the own player has confirmed his intention of not renewing with the team Frenchman, in a communiqué published this same Tuesday, shortly after the '7' French has wanted to confirm his continuity of face to the following season.

The forward has wanted to take advantage of an information of 'Him Parisien' to ensure that it does not think to abandon the French capital in the weeks to come and his posture is the one to complete his agreement, playing the following season in the PSG. These statements of Mbappé leave clear that the attacker looks for a clash with the sportive direction of the club, which -as Fabrizio Romano- is decided to sell to the player if it does not extend his agreement further of 2024.

It predicts a 'war' in Paris

The information on which Kylian does reference, and which describes as "lies", explains that the footballer Frenchman is considering to the Real Madrid as his new club for the following course, taking into account that from Santiago Bernabéu himself that consider the operation, although no for this year. Mbappé equally wanted to add to his more recent statement that will keep in the PSG because it is where "am very happy", wanting to do see that his decision of not renewing could go through another reason.

The serial Mbappé has opened a new chapter, but for this summer seems that the situation will bring a more striking dispute between the PSG and the own player, the one who could be doing all these statements to finish renewing with some economic conditions very upper to which already offer him. Like this finally it did the forward in 2022, when 'planted to the Madrid to few days that the merengues played the final of the Champions League in Paris.

There is not space for the improvisation of the 2022

The idea of the PSG keeps on being to ensure the immediate renewal of his goleador or plant it in the ramp of exit the sooner possible to begin to listen offers. From Paris deny to arrive to the last days of the next season with the possibility that the player go out free, by what if some club planted the correct offer -split of the base of 200 'kilos'- the French team will invite to Mbappé to that it can test a change of airs.