Some English means are very asiduos to the rumours, ones with more sense and others with less. The last that has sounded and that has direct relation with the FC Barcelona has to see with the future of Philippe Coutinho and Neymar Jr, two 'cracks' and also fellow that they could cross in an airport, one course to Barcelona and the another of return to the British islands.
And it is that, as it ensures the 'Daily Express', Chelsea would be had to pay 115 million euros to do with the signing of Philippe Coutinho, and the FC Barcelona could use said money, as long as said operation fructificase, to invest it in a hypothetical return of Neymar Jr to the Camp Nou, something in what the Brazilian would be dreaming from does time.
It treats of a little contrasted information and that generates a lot of doubts. In fact, to some will be able to seem them an exchange of players more typical of the FIFA or the Pro Evolution Soccer that of the reality, and is not for less. The FC Barcelona already has left clear by active and by passive that explains to 100% with Philippe Coutinho, and that does not have intention of traspasarle.
On the other hand, the Barcelona club has gone desmarcando progressively of the rumours that link to Neymar Jr with a possible return to the Camp Nou, something for what would be necessary to give of drop to some already present star in the staff, in this case Coutinho. The operation of which speaks the 'Daily Express' is what less complicated, and does not seem that it can effect in the short term.
The PSG neither wants to traspasar to Neymar Jr
Paris Saint-Germain neither would have any intention to leave escape to Neymar Jr this next summer, and the Barcelona no traspasaría to Coutinho without having the absolute certainty that it will fill the gap with another world-wide star that can deleitar to the barcelonismo.
From here that, for now, the informations published by the 'Daily Express' do not leave to be more a rumour that a likely option. This yes, sure that a lot of fans would opt by similar barter, with the will that 'Cou' can leave space for the return of a Neymar Jr that in the FC Barcelona turned into one of the best players of the world, at the side of Leo Messi and Luis Suárez. They were other times...