Florian Wirtz was one of the fashionable names at the beginning of the market of signings. The mediocampista of 21 years is in the diary of the big clubs of the continent, being the FC Barcelona, the Real Madrid, the Bayern Munich and the Manchester City the most interested in doing with his services. However, his exit froze until the next year, since the Bayer Leverkusen convinced him to continue his career under the orders of Xabi Alonso the following season, with the one who will contest the Champions League and will look for to defend the titles of Bundesliga and DFB Pokal achieved the past course.

After reincorporarse to the discipline of the first team of the aspirins after his participation in the Eurocopa 2024, the germano attended to the media and, as it was to expect , the questions on his future starred his appearance. Nevertheless, the player 'happened' to speak in this regard and when being questioned on if this is his last campaign in his current team, ensured that "I do not have a calendar, so I do not have any idea in this regard still".

Wirtz Continued his statement affirming that it is "very happy to be able to go back to play to the football after the holidays of summer and for going back here". "Only I am trying go back to reach my aims with the team", added. However, it went back to leave in suspense his next destination when confessing that "sometime it will remain clear what sucede. But… I do not have a schedule".

In Germany already speaks of a value of traspaso of 130 million euros, although this could vary along the next campaign, although it could keep if it shows the same performance that had in the past course. Author of 18 goals and 20 assistances in the 49 parties contested with the aspirins, Wirtz spoke on his debut in the Champions League, aseverando that "I want to be a very good footballer and therefore I want to compete with the other. And if you want to turn you into a big player, have to go to the Champions League".

The elimination in front of Spain and a 'palito' to the Bayern

Florian pronounced on the elimination of Germany in the Eurocopa in front of Spain, taking advantage of the opportunity for elogiar to the Red. "That defeat by 1-2 was hard and very disappointing, expected at least arrive to the batch of penaltis. At the end, the Spaniards deserved to win the tournament. If we had not had possibilities in the party, the disappointment would have been still greater. We can be proud of what attain in the tournament. Therefore now I carry me the positive and do not depress me by a party", commented

Finally, it left a 'palito' to the Bayern Munich, ensuring that, in spite of the good signings made in the market, the difference between the Bavarians and the other no longer is so significant. "The Bayern has incorporated now to some players that, of course, will reinforce him, but the difference between the Bayern and the other important teams no longer is so big as in previous years. We want to try win all the parties. But we will not tackle it with arrogance, will try to win to the Bayern, but keeps on being the Bayern of Munich, always has to be in the list", concluded.